[center]++ KYUBEROS ++ Bellerophon wasn't wrong about his father, he would no doubt kick everyone out of the room, except for maybe the healer. Actually, no, scratch that. Trowa Lancaster would be the first one thrown out of that room, healer or not. Kyuberos, having shared Belzeneff's thoughts for as long as he had been alive, knew about the King's hatred for the pink haired man. Trowa's skills were literally the only thing that kept him in the castle, and alive for that matter. Kyuberos tapped his chin thoughtfully as he turned over Bellerophon's proposal in his mind, nodding his head. " You are right, showing the public is good way to prevent this from happening again. And as for the King, I'm sure he has no objections to the idea." He thought to mention the tale of Belzeneff beheading his own mother and setting it on a stake for all to see, but decided better of it. Things got messy when Belzeneff's mother was mentioned and Kyuberos was eager to avoid that from happening. Instead, he brought up something he knew Bellerophon would like more. " Speaking of that, I came into possession of a lovely golden stake recently that I was planning to give you as a gift, and I see no other better time then now." He smiled, glad that he had made his two human servants back on Earth collect a rare golden rod from a famous collector. It wasn't for a wish or anything, he just knew that it was something that Bellerophon would like so he made them get it for him. He wasn't keen on leaving Bellerophon's sight, even during the short time it would take to go back to the human world, and he knew the prince could protect himself, but he would much rather move away from the healing room before Belzeneff came storming through. " If we go now, we'll have time to display the head before rigamortis sets in." ++ BELISARIO && VALIS ++ " Should I go in there?" " You should go in there!" " But what is she doesn't want me there?" " I think she wants you there!" " Maybe I should leave? " You shouldn't leave!" " But what if someone is in there?" " I don't think anyone is in there!" The two had been going back and forth like this for atleast thirty minutes, standing a few hallways away from the Queen's medical room, deciding whether or not go visit her or not. Belisario was having a trouble time deciding, a million and one scenarios running through his head--like what if he went in there only to find someone else in there and creating an awkward silence? or if he went in there to see her and then her condition suddenly worsened and he was to blame? or what if, what if, what if!--and Valis had trouble deciding just because Belisario was. He wasn't going to force Belisario to visit his mother, but he didn't want him not to do it and then regret it later on. " There's no harm in going to see her!" Valis encouraged, trying to make his prince head towards the healing room. " It'll be okay! I'm sure she'll be glad to see you! Pro-" He was cut off when Belial randomly appeared and began to talk to them about a tree, his own protector Louelle managed to randomly appear too. While Valis was barely listened to what he was saying, Belisario was hanging on Belial's every word." Wow!" Belisario's eyes shone with wonder after Belial's short sermon. He always listened to his brother's ramblings with intent and followed through with whatever advice the other had to offer, often taking his stories seriously. How blessed he was to have such an intelligent brother! But now was no time to be distracted, he had more important matters to attend to. " I'm sorry Belial, but I was just on my way to check on Mama...I heard Bellerophon caught the traitor, but I'm still worried about her..." Whose to say that this was an individual attack? What if the traitor's accomplices came in the night to finish the job? Or maybe one of his brothers or sisters would become a new target? His made Belisario distressed just thinking about it. ++ TROWA ++ As soon as Barayas left the room and the Queen was left alone, Trowa came out of the woodwork, like a snake, and slinked up to the bed. " Hello, your Highness," He purred, holding the clip-board out to examine it, his gaze slowly dancing across the page. " It seems your vitals have improved since taking the antidote." As he spoke, he got closer to the Queen until he was right by her side, close enough to put his hand on her shoulder, " It brings me the utmost joy to see you back in good health, my Queen." ++ PEMBERLEY ++ Pemberley wasn't stupid. He had been taught at one of the most prestigious schools in the country and graduated wear the top of his class. He had passed every test given to him in order to join the Protectors division with flying colors. He even knew the difference between there, their and they're, which is really saying alot. So, he desperately tried to remind himself of these facts as he ran through the streets of the Main City, trying to find Belshazzar and his friend. The prince alone wasn't too much of a hassle, since he mostly barricaded himself in his lab and kept to himself. No, it was his distant cousin, Valexander, that Pemberley had a problem with. He had the habit of stirring up trouble, especially when it came to luring the Prince out of his lab and into the city streets, which wouldn't be so bad if Belshazzar could take care of himself. And Pemberley had enough experience to know that, no, he couldn't take care of himself when left to his own devices. The worst part of it all was that if the Prince ever got hurt or killed during one of his little escapades, it would be Pemberley who would be punished and the last thing he wanted was to get on the Queens bad side. Belshazzar was her favorite afterall. So once he realized that Belshazzar was missing, he tumbled down to to Belshazzar's lab in search of Belbel, the ridiculous pet that the prince insisted to keep. If there was anyone who could help him find the missing prince, it was Belbel. Once entering the code needed to open the lab door, Pemberley called out to the dinosaur, expecting for it to come running towards him. But after a minute of calling and nothing happening, he quickly gave up and started turning things over to find the dinosaur. He eventually found Belbel sleeping in his corner, curled up and completely oblivious to the world around him. " Belbel! Belbel! Belbel wake up you stupid animal!" Pemberly cried, too afraid to shake the sleeping dinosaur in fear of getting bitten. But thankfully, yelling was enough and Belbel stirred awake, turning to look at Pemberley, unimpressed. But Pemberley didn't have time for this! He had a prince to find! In his haste, he managed to drag the dinosaur out of the lab and the castle and onto the streets of the Main City. If the prince and his cousin were anywhere, they were either here....or in The Under. But he would rather turn the entire town upside down then to go down to The Under. It had taken some persuading--actually a lot of persuading--to get Belbel to do anything, but he finally managed to get the dinosaur in motion and actively looking for his owner, Pemberley following behind him as he ran through the streets. Belbel was able to smell Belshazzar's trail and would be able to find him by scent alone. Suddenly, his pocket vibrated and he took out his phone, not stopping his jogging, " Hello? E-Eh? Barayas? Um, yeah, hey. What? The prince? Yeah, he's here...y'know, doing science stuff....to call the Queen? Well...you know how he gets with his experiments, completely throwing everything into it? Ahahaha, oh look, I have to go, but I'll tell him to call! Bye." His problems were just piling ontop of each other now. Not only did he have a missing prince, but now he was lying to cover up for him! He swore, he was going to take a nice, long vacation after this. He continued to follow Belbel down the streets and soon enough, one turn lead into another and before he knew it, Pemberely actually knew where they where headed. " Oh no," He grimaced when the bright pink building came into sight, the neon sign 'CANDILAND' bright and luminous even during the day. "Ugh, I can't believe they thought about coming here! Are they stupid?? This is like, the worst place for royalty to go!!" Pemberley yelled to no one in particular. Stopping infront of the infamous Candiland, Pemberley had mere seconds to decide whether or not he wanted to go through the door or another way, but ultimately, a surprise attack was better than not so he transported him and Belbel to the roof of the brothel. " Belbel, make a hole through this roof!" When the dinosaur looked like it was going to refuse, Pemberley pulled out the TreeStar he had in his pocket and waved it around, reminding Belbel what he was doing all of this for. A new fire burned in Belbel's eyes and he looked at the roof, summing up the force needed to bash through the texture, and then did as commanded. Pemberley followed Belbel down and was surprised when he found the unconscious prince and Valexander laying infront of him, unharmed by the falling debris. The boy laying under Belbel, however, wasn't so lucky. The Protector could only assume that his was the man who had kidnapped Belshazzar and pulled out his wand. " Freeze, culprit! In the name of the Protector division, you are under arrest for endangerment of a Prince!" He bellowed, literally blowing whatever cover Belshazzar had left. ++ VALENTINE ++ Valentine had been signing some official documents when it happened. There was a CRASH BANG and the sound of his most favorite lamp crashing to the ground. Unfazed by the sudden disturbance, Valentine calmly looked over to his right to fins his baby brother Valerio sprawled out on the ground, clutching his side. Even from where he sat, he could see the crimson liquid of his blood seep through his fingers. Still keeping his composer, Valentine stood up and made his way over to him, crouching when he got there. He didn't try to help him up, but there was concern on his face. " Who did this to you?" He asked, removing a white handkerchief from his suit pocket and handed it to Valerio, who expected as much from his eldest brother and took the offered item with trembling fingers, placing it over his wound, though it did little help. " V..Vampires." Was all he managed to say before going pale and rolling over to his side to vomit blood all over Valentine's office floor. While he was concerned for his stainless white carpet, he was more concerned about his brother and called out for Kyron. His Protector was never too far from him so he only had to raise his voice alittle for the other to hear him. When Kyron appeared, Valentine stood up and took out his phone, typing away as he talked, " Take Valerio to my mother. She'll be able to heal him better than that ridiculous Lancaster scum. I'm going to meet my father and alert him about Valerio's state."[/center]