[b]"BARRIER MAGIC: ICARUS..."[/b] Torie held his hands over his left leg, and a series of panels started forming, more and more rapidly, acting like a shield covering over his leg, and, as he covered his shin, he kicked off the ground, exerting as much magical energy as he could to rapidly generate panels to shoot him up, like a stilt had just been created out of nowhere, bringing him above Kinzoku's height. Once the panels of the "stilt" started to vanish, Torie started to feel a little weaker; he'd exerted himself beyond his 30ft. limit, to the point where he must have wasted quite a bit of energy. [i]"To hell with it...NOBODY'S EVER TIPPED THE SCALES WITHOUT DOING SOMETHING BEYOND STUPID!"[/i] he thought as he moved as best he could, and, with what strength he could muster, he formed a shaped barrier around his body, crossing his arms into an x within it. [b]"CRASH!"[/b] was all he said as the solid, meteor like construct sealed around him, turning him into a veritable meteor of barrier panels; or one big moving target if Kinzoku could turn up fast enough.