[quote=Tumblepop] Ludendorff suddenly felt himself being overtaken by the call of the wild. He was more acutely aware of the grass beneath his feet, the air around his body, the fleas burrowing into his skin. He thrust back his head and let forth a mighty howl. A voice spoke to him, and he felt compelled to obey. Ludendorff bit through the girl's bindings, freeing her. She leaped from the alter, fleeing into the crowd as fast has her prostitute legs could carry her. Ludendorff bounded after her on all fours, feeling the thrill of the chase much the same as a stoat chases a rabbit. He hoped the festival goers did not mind his sudden behavioral shift too much. [/quote] Erä saw the man fumble away on all fours. What a peculiar mortal this was, eager to prove himself, no doubt, but why not use the natural born long legs of the human race. This was just a little silly to watch, a hunter should always use everything his anatomy alows. Erä was about to lose interest, there is no way this man could keep up with the breeding girl. But what about her, he wondered, the wild is more than all hunters, If one encounters a predator larger and stronger than one's self, The correct thing to do is flee. Erä's curiosity was sparked again. With a waving gesture of his spear, he sent the raven he had used to send the message to the silly man towards the fleeing birther. "Flee, Survive, grow strong." Echoed through her mind. "And prey will become predator."