[quote=Zmerr] I will definitely come find you. as for the dragon, I know very little about this sort of thing because I'm still in my 20's and working on my personal story. But I agree with the racial histories. I would just need help with a few other details. I would be able to grasp it pretty easily, I just need to hear it from somewhere. [/quote] Dude, hit me up man, I'll come help you level. Or you can just run the K-train in Edge of the Mists. You'll hit level 80 in about a week. (Not including Exp Guild Buffs) What server are you guys on btw? I'm on Sanctum of Rall. And I know most of the racial histories but [url=wiki.guildwars2.com]this site[/url] is always your friend :D [quote=Zmerr] Lol Quaggans are cool too. If we end up doing the dragon thing, it would be awesome if someone played the dragon too. I usually like to play the bad guys, but, on this one, I think I'll have to pass. [/quote] [quote=Subtle Shift In Emphasis] Personally, I'd prefer to start with something a little more low-key to begin with, and move on to fighting something dragon-shaped and mean. Plus, it'd give us time to figure out how everything will work, what our characters are like and possibly recruit somebody to play a big, mean dragon. Surely there'll be no shortage of people who'd want to play a dragon, crushing the hopes and dreams of player characters underfoot like so many broken twigs! [/quote] That sounds like a decent idea. We could potentially do something regarding the Human/Charr conflict. i.e. Racial emissaries or representatives of each of the three main organisations; The Vigil, The Durmand Priory & The Order of Whispers. Maybe something to do with a Dredge or Skritt uprising. Or even something to do with the Tengu. I'm pretty well versed in their history since they are my favorite GW race...even if they are unplayable. :D [quote=Subtle Shift In Emphasis] And I'll get working on an idea for a character, although it's closer to "narrow down what I want to play" - my head is buzzing with ideas at the moment, especially thinking about playing out ideas that don't translate well into the game because of, well, it being a computer game. [/quote] I definitely think we should play more than one character. That way I can play as my Norn Warrior and Human Mesmer. :P