Kyla was finding it so hard to keep herself under control as Edward shouted angrily at her, wrapping her arms around her self tightly as she continued to look away from him, even as he turned back to his human form she tried to hardest to keep her head down knowing that she was in the wrong here. When Edward continued his angry and hurt rant at her his words cut her deeper than she though they would have, she had no idea that he would take such an offense to her running away and that just made this all the more difficult, she had to say something Kyla just couldn't bare the thought of leaving Edward with such hate for her. But what could she say? what could she say to make him see that she did not run away because of him, or that she did it to spite him, no nothing of the sort, it was to protect him and his brother from those who hunted her. As Edward continued to rage on now with tears in his eyes Kyla then lifted her head but kept her gaze down and started to approach him, reaching out slowly with her slender hands to touch him "Edward...." she spoke his name gently "I' sorry, I didn't know...that you would feel so deeply" She placed her hands against his chest and brought herself close, hoping that the soft touch would be enough to silence him for at least a little so that she could speak, gently placing her head to him just under his chin as well as she continued to speak to her hurt friend. "I don't want you to think that, those horrible thoughts, I would never run from you ever. I wanted to protect you...protect you from them" she sighed so quietly "They still hunt me, and I am afraid they will get you and your brother if I stay, and I just can't bare to think that" Kyla's voice started to shake as she moved her hands form his chest, and brought them around Edward's body to embrace him, moving her body closer to his "Edward..I don't know how to stop running away, I've been running so long...I just don't know how to stop, please...don't hate me..." Kyla fell silent after this while she continued to embrace Edward as close as she was able to in order to comfort him, and herself, She hoped that he wouldn't reject her and that he could see what she was trying to say to him.