"You are your stupid pride" Kyla mumbled as she clutched his shirt and held him tighter to her, and although she said that as a joke she wasn't laughing or even smiling, it was something she knew that she would have said if their relationship was as it was when they first meet. Kyla knew that it wasn't like that anymore though that they had grown much closer than she would have originally liked, in such a short time they had become friends to a point where she didn't want him to be hurt, no matter what his pride said. Kyla still though was worried for these men who chased her, she had witness them take down a creature strong than any dragon and it scared her, she didn't want that to happen to the brothers she had become friends with. When Edward growled Kyla in reaction buried her face against his like she was afraid of him, afraid that he would never forgive her after this, then again he was a dragon and they are not ones to forgive from what she knew of them. Kyla didn't know how to respond to Edward as he almost seemed to beg for her to stay with him, to return to his home with him and stay. She could feel him shaking and it made her heart break at how she could have upset him so, she felt so guilty about it and just didn't know what to do now that he had her, Kyla who still held on to him wouldn't let go until Edward returned her embrace though she didn't expect him to and still half expected him to shove her away. When he told her that she couldn't run away from her problems Kyla shook her head, finally lifting her gaze so that she could look to Edward's tear stained face, trying her hardest to keep herself from feeling any more remorse than she already did. Kyla had to explain to him even though she didn't want to share her secrets, or make this about herself, he had to truly know why. "Edward...I don't know anything else...I lost my memories, a few years back, and I don't remember who I am. Running away from my problems is all that I remember and all that I know" Kyla then lifted on of her hands to Edward's face and placed it against his cheek, wiping the tears away "I am sorry I hurt you so, I never realized you cared so deeply. "She spoke to him softly, sadly "You want me to return with you, so I will" She lowed her hand back to around Edward's waist and lowered her head back down to rest just nuder his chin, again not expecting him to return the embrace, he had no reason to and every reason to push her away "I won't ask for your forgiveness"