[center] ++ BELLEROPHON ++ "A golden stake? What a wonderful gift, Kyuberos! Letus go fetch it now." His mood elated over the result of his day, he continued to speak as he walked beside Kyuberos. “Oh, I am excited to see the head of the culprit atop of the stake, it will surely look splendid; the way his horror struck eyes are permanently etched in his features.” The prince smiled, and he enjoyed Kyuberos’ presence, but the longer they walked together the more the gears in his head turned. Slowly, he started to frown, and today’s events replayed in his mind over and over again. I felt so satisfied after killing him. To have these feelings…was I…right? Or wrong? Suddenly, he spoke. “Kyuberos, do you think father will be proud of me? For taking initiative to punish the assassin, I mean? It is an actual part of my job and I did the interrogation, but I acted on my anger and executed him immediately afterwards, without consulting father or the wizard council beforehand. I do so wish to make father proud, I would hate to disappoint him…” he admitted, smiling nervously as he began to doubt his actions. But just as abrupt as before, Bellerophon chuckled softly and twirled his flower. “Oh, never mind, I am being foolish. Father will definitely be glad I punished the good for nothing traitor. And I learned from him that it is best to demonstrate what I should do to enemies who dare cross us. After all, father is such an excellent king!” ++ VALENCINO ++ "Sleep well my precious Valstell, sweet dreams."he cooed quietly the young baby cradled in his arms, gently lowering her into the crib. His fingers lingered for a moment, as if not wanting to leave, until he pressed his lips against his daughter's forehead. He smiled before slowly stepping back and finally exiting the room, one last glance before going off to find his wife. "Valancy?"he called out gently, not wanting to wake up the baby. It did not take long to find her and he smiled as he stepped into the room she was in. "Darling, I just put Valstell to sleep. Something has come up, so I have to retrieve the princess early from school and bring her to the castle..."he explained and then suddenly embraced her in his arms and kissed her on the lips. "Would you like me to bring anything home? Dessert from my brother's restaurant, maybe? I burned breakfast again so I want to make it up to you...well, I must be off now. I love you, my dearest." ++ BELLONA ++ Her worries for her son were pushed aside as Trowa suddenly appeared and the queen tried not to frown, but failed. "Yes, I am relieved to be recovering so quickly...I thank you for saving my life, Healer Lancaster."she thanked politely, not wanting to be rude towards the person who just saved her life, cautiously placing her hand over his and removing it off her shoulder. She placed both hands on her lap and forced a smile at the doctor uncertainly, still as uncomfortable around him as when he first started working at the castle. "Also, is my dearest husband on his way? Do you know?"she asked. ++ BELIAL ++ Belial froze for a moment, and quickly nodded his head in agreement. "The hand of justice has been dealt to the criminal, by the gold prince? Then, you worry about the wrong foe! Hurry and go to her side for that rose colored demon lurks in his white robes of false purity, there is no telling what that monster will do to her in her weakened state."he advised, remembering that their mother was possible alone with that horrible doctor and more worried about him than an actual assassin. While he was too young to actually be a target for the healer's advances, the prince heard many horror stories from Louelle. "But, I know your worries still continue to plague your mind. Shall I grant you the protection of the Great and Powerful Oz, Brother Belisario? Ah, do not answer! Of course you desire his blessings. I will leave immediately to pray while you two go visit mother. Farewell! Come, Louelle! To the church we journey for our quest."he commanded, leaving behind Belisario and Valis with a frantic Louelle trying to catch him. "Prince Belial, no not again, please wait! Don't wander off so suddenly!"Louelle begged, his hand reaching out for Belial as he ran after him. ++ JAYCEE ++ "Ow ow ow, this hurts?? The heck are you?! What's the deal???"he cried out in confusion, some sort of creature landing on top of him. Whatever this thing was, even though it wasn't even that big it felt heavy, and his body was aching because the dumb thing was crushing his poor bones and flesh! Even worse, a random man pointed a wand at him and started talking all smart like, with big words that reminded him of how Seraphion spoke, leaving Jaycee utterly confused as to what he wanted. "Ehhhhh, what are you talkin about? I don't get what you're saying!"he shouted towards the red head, still agitated and distressed by the strange thing on top of him to care what the newcomer was trying to convey. "Get off me, you...you weird beast!"he begged, shifting his attention to the yellow animal. ++ SERAPHION && CHARLOTTE ++ "Endangerment of a prince, you say?"he asked as he entered the room, just in time to here the last part of what Candiland's newest guest had to say. When he arrived Seraphion did not expect to see a Protector attempting to arrest a confused Jaycee, who was laying under some sort of animal, with two unconscious boys off to the side. He noted the red hair, and figured that maybe Jaycee had been right when he claimed to have caught Prince Belshazzar if Pemberly Abernathy was here. He glanced to the side and saw two unconscious boys, but they looked nothing like any of the princes. "I see no prince here, sir Protector."he pointed out politely. "T-That's right!"chimed in a feminine voice, and Seraphion turned to see Charlotte in front of Pemberly. She obviously felt intimidated by the wizard from what he could tell, but he admired her courage for standing up to a noble. "He hasn't done anything wrong! You-you're the one who created a hole in the building and suddenly attacked...!" "Ah, but he was only doing his job, do not fault him for the hole. Perhaps there is a prince here in disguise?"he added in smoothly, not wanting to anger the protector. "I assume you are speaking of these two unconscious wizards, here? I do not know what happened but they are the only others around right now...I'll wake them up." He strode over to the two boys and gently placed a hand on each of their shoulders, shaking them slightly. ++ VALEXANDER ++ "Hm? Huhwah..."he mumbled as he slowly regained consciousness, meeting the eyes of a stranger. "What?"he asked dazed, his head pounding. "You were asleep just now, did you have too much to drink?"he heard the stranger ask with a soft laugh. "Um...I guess? What is happening?"he asked again, and then slowly observed his surroundings. Belshazzar was waking up too beside him and...was that Belbel? Belbel was sitting on top of some guy and - "Pemberly?"he called out, panic filling inside of him quickly as he recognized the protector. "W-why are you here?"he asked, and then he mentally slapped himself for blowing their cover. Oh oz, what if his mother found out where he was and what he did? She'd be furious! ++ BELSHAZZAR ++ Waking up around the same time as Valexander, he felt just as confused as his cousin and couldn't remember why he had been asleep. He snapped back to reality, though, when he heard Valexander mention his protector's name. Finally noticing him and, for some reason Belbel, he sighed and turned to his cousin. "It appears our identities have been discovered, there is no more purpose in wasting our magic on them any longer so I propose disposing of our disguises."he suggested, though it was more like a command. Valexander seemed to understand and cast the removal spell with a grim face, muttering under his breath a comment about how his mother was going to kill him. At the mention of Valora, anxiety flooded through him as Belshazzar immediately remembered his own mother and the reason why he felt so desperate to return to the castle earlier. Like a true son of King Belzeneff, he cared nothing about the current situation at hand and selfishly ordered his protector to drop everything and listen to him. "Pemberly, it is convenient you arrived, take me back to the castle immediately!" ++ KYRON ++ "Yes?"he answered, strolling into the room before noticing a injured wizard bleeding onto Valentine's carpet. "Is that...Valerio?!"he gasped out of shock, immediately rushing to his side full of concern and crouching onto the floor to grab his pale hand. "Alright Valentine, I'll leave immediately."he responded, tightening his grip on Valerio and using his free hand to prepare a spell to teleport him to the Mancini estate. ++ VALYN ++ "My poor baby, mother will make you all better!" The wizard frantically entered the room with numerous vials secured in her arms and she rushed to Valerio's side, handing all but one of the potions to Kyron to hold. Currently resting in his old bed was Valerio, who Kyron appeared with out of nowhere bleeding and near death earlier. She quickly placed the remaining vial against her son's lips, urging him to drink it. "Drink all of this, alright Valerio? It will help heal you."she instructed softly, grabbing a towel with her free hand to begin wiping the blood off of his face. She would not lose another child if she could help it, especially her youngest baby boy that had been absent for so long. [/center]