[quote=Subtle Shift In Emphasis] I don't think I can, nope. You can guest to other servers in your region, but the gulf that is the Atlantic shall forever keep us separate. [/quote] Well that definitely sucks :/ [quote=Zmerr] I'm in Sea of Sorrows. I jumped like four levels yesterday, which is a lot for me. I have a friend that's level eighty and they help me run WvW, PvP, and soon we'll be doing dungeons too. So I've been leveling up much quicker lately. [/quote] Ahhh Sea of Sorrows....I remember when SoR used to face you all the time in WvW. We had some decent battles on our way to Tier 1 haha! That's great to hear, I had to level my Mesmer on my own. It's by far the most boring thing ever :D And I can run the Ascalonian Catacombs with you if you want? I don't mind guesting over. Just to let you know, I'm writing up a plot idea I had for the Tengu. It's in regards to Subtle's suggestion of us each being a GM for certain storylines. EDIT: [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ISJFnmgLAxJEZb9Y83uR920zE2jx7SZ9PxudIbhEcWk/edit?usp=sharing]Aaaand here you go![/url]