xion's left side was sore, the dented metal that was his armour still pressing against the injury. At least the good news was that the injury was probably nothing more than a bruise. He definitely concluded that the armour was now useless and he would need to replace it as soon as everything was finished here. That is if he made it through this. Neither the vampire or the penin had the initiative to help him out at this moment in time, which meant his options were especially limited and his survival even less. [i]At least he is making this fight believable,[/i] he thought, safely assuming that the Fixer was using this 'fight' to clear both the vampire and the assassin of the murder of Blue. All those thoughts had changed as soon as his opponent grabbed onto his right wrist. Ixion had assumed that the Fixer would allow him to push him away so that he could arm himself to make the scene more believable. Instead, the legend had countered his counter and was launching an attack of his own. He saw in the corner of his eye that the left leg was swinging towards his right side. This time though, the kick had more menace and had the intent on causing some serious damage. At first, it had worried Ixion greatly. [i]He's got the intention of killing us,[/i] he thought, panic almost setting into his mind. He instantly thought then that all three of them had no chance of surviving the confrontation, even if the Fixer had said earlier that he wouldn't harm both himself and the vampire due to the reasons he had forgotten. Luckily for him, he steeled his mind to the task at hand. [i]Now is not the time to panic, Ixie,[/i] he thought, erasing the panic in his mind. [i]If you can pull yourself through this, you might have a chance.[/i] The first thought on the matter was how to get himself out of the Fixer's grip. As soon as he is freed, he is free to then teleport, taking advantage of the area around them to create random attacks. As long as the Fixer had a grip of him wherever he went, his opponent would be carried with him. His first observation was that the Fixer now had only one point connected to the ground, making him easy to topple over with an aerial kick, using the awkward grip that the Fixer had to his advantage. However, he instantly dismissed the idea as that alone would be easily countered by the legend, as he had observed before. [i]Perhaps use my illusion with that?[/i] If he had poured a lot of his concentration on the illusion, especially since he would be concentrating on the attack in hand, then the aerial kick would possibly work. He also dismissed that as the Fixer would probably assume that and counter that again, since the Fixer knew a lot of things about the assassin. Instead of that, Ixion decided on another option: make the attack as random as possible. With that, he hopefully removes the element of planning and, with any hope, could catch the Fixer out. But how? Without even thinking of a solid random attack, he instantly flicked his wrist forward, clasping the Fixer's right wrist. Locking eyes on the Fixer's head, he bent his legs, ready to jump for the aerial kick. As soon as he stopped moving, however, he instantly teleported, brining the Fixer with him to his destination. He ended up reappearing two storeys up on the same beam he used to confront Blue when she first spotted him. With hopeful precision, the Fixer should be suspended in the air, already falling to the ground and bringing Ixion with him. Using the coiled legs from before, he pushed hard off the beam, allowing only the Fixer's weight to anchor him towards a central point. This would also, due to the Fixer going down to the ground from his position and the opposite direction he is going, avoid the kick that's placed on his right side. As soon as his arm was taught, he pulled himself forward, allowing his left leg to arc towards the Fixer's back, using all that momentum to drive his foot for the attack.