Alright... Goodness, this is hard... These aren't in order precisely, but... 1: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. It was just fun to read. 2: Children Of The Mind by Orson Scott Card. This one made me think very hard, and I love books that make me think. 3: The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit by J.R.R.Tolkien. They used such complex language, but had a simple enough plot for me to understand. A lovely, if somewhat difficult, read. 4: Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan. Seriously tho, who doesn't love Percy? 5: Starcrossed trilogy by Josephine Angelini. On the subject of demigods... Bit of a trash novel but it makes me feel all warm and bubbly inside whenever I read it. And it has demigods. 6: Animal Farm by George Orwell. It made me think. 7: Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. Though this reminded me very much of LOTR, I thought it was a beautiful series. 8: Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. I read these books when I was six years old and I think it's changed who I am, if only because I still believe that magic is possible. But yeah, thanks, Harry, for keeping my imagination open. 9: An unpublished book by one of my friends... I was his editor for three years, and so I got to read his writings first. I don't think he's published it yet, so I'm not about to spoil the title, but this really changed my outlook on writing books from something magical to something that takes stubbornness and callused fingers and a group of loyal friends. 10: Chicken Soup for the Soul. It's rationalized death and life and love for me, and so it deserves a mention.