Watching Suki finish off the Minotaur, Umichi smiled back to her. "Is that so? Anyway, why don't we sit down somewhere, before we continue?" he suggested, seeing as though the area they were in was very meadow-like, giving it a nice atmosphere and feel. He sat down, as he did so he patted the ground, indicating to Suki to sit next to him. It was late in the afternoon, and approaching evening. The sky was starting to tinge in orange, ever so slightly. The Minotaur gave some decent exp, around 400. It was reduced due to his level, but it was a decent amount. Umichi checked for any item drops received, most were normal, but he found he had received the Minotaur's horn. It seemed possible to play/blow, but Umichi did not feel like it at this moment in time. ""Why don't I tie your hair with the ribbon now?" he suggested. "Where is your ribbon? And what style would you like?" Umichi asked, holding his hand out, waiting for a ribbon. If he received it, he would slowly and gently stroke his fingers through her hair, unwinding any tangles, if the system had programmed for any to exist. Afterwards, he would tie the way she had wished. Finally, he would ask her whether she liked it or not.