I'm glad you like it :D And no, that emissary group is actually a group of Angchu descendants, being escorted by a few Caromi and Avicara soldiers. The Angchu are also an ancient tribe of the Tengu, being the oldest tribe of all five Tengu Tribes, and fought alongside the Sensali during the Tengu Wars against the Canthan Empire. Although peace was eventually agreed upon between the Angchu and the Canthans, which also lead to the Sensali's hatred of the Angchu spawning a fierce and violent rivalry, they still possess a notable distrust of all humankind. Despite this, they are headed to Lion's Arch to explain the secession of the Sensali Tribe from the unified Tengu nation due to Riku Hookbeak's failed attempt at seizing overall power of the Dominion of Winds. There is a fifth Tengu Tribe. They are known as the Quetzal and are the oldest of the three Tyrian Tribes.