[img=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/049/a/2/a2ab1fe077fa21bb90bf3dab4294b85b-d4q5i7g.jpg] Katherin world was that of a normal college girl until the morning she woke up to discover that she wasn't the only person in her head. She sought help immediately. She was afraid that she had schizophrenia or something. She ignored the voice in her head until she realized that the things he was telling her were real. She tested her first doctor. He accused her of spying on him because she knew things that no one else knew. That is when she figured out that the voice in her head was telling her everyone's secrets. No secret was safe from her. When Katherin question the voice and he explained the secret behind his existence, how he had came to be inside her mind, and that she was not the only person out there who had received a being like him. Katherin immediately began seeking those people who's life had changed the same day as hers had. She sent them an email inviting them to met her in a castle that had been in her family for centuries.