[center] ++ BELLEROPHON ++ "P-p-proud? Wow Kyuberos, you think he would be proud of me?"he asked, eyes sparkling and gazing at Kyuberos as if he were Belzeneff giving him the compliment himself. "He's n-n-never told me anything like that...but you know him best, correct? Your minds are linked? So that must be how father would feel!" At this point, he paused, realizing he began to ramble to himself. While he did not mind letting Kyuberos see all of his shameful weaknesses like this, and trusted him more than anyone he knew, Bellerophon knew now was not the time to be bombarding him with so many questions. He nodded before clearing his throat. "Yes. Yes I agree. I think he will want to know about what happened to mother." He silently waited for Kyuberos to return when his protector left for his room, thoughts racing through his mind. I'm so glad I was able to learn the cure from the traitor and help mother...I'm glad I didn't fail this time, if she ended up like her I don't know what I would do... Bellerophon suddenly tucked his gold flower behind his ear, to keep it out of his sight, a habit he developed when looking at it made him think too much about her. The grim look on his face vanished as soon as Kyuberos returned, the prince genuinely happy to see him and that wonderful gold gift in his hands. "Oh wow wow wow!"he exclaimed, gazing at the stake lovingly. He delicately grabbed the weapon and immediately gave Kyuberos endless praise and compliments. "It is so stunningly beautiful, amazing detail to this design with these jewels! So golden, so pure! You are my best friend Kyuberos nobody else would ever get me something like this."he happily thanked, actually hugging the stake at this point. "You are the greatest in all of Wiz, Kyuberos! Today was going so horribly and I was so scared for mother but you just made it so much better. You make me happy! I can't wait to use this-" His beloved new spear suddenly felt onto the floor as a stabbing pain in his head forced him to drop the precious gift. "Wha-..."he mumbled, his hand pressing against his head as he shakily knelt to the floor to retrieve the item. Bellerophon used the stake as a support to help him stand back up, but the pain just felt worse so he instinctively clung to Kyuberos' shoulder. To his horror, blood suddenly dripped onto Kyuberos' outfit from his now glowing eyes. He stumbled backward out of shock and dropped the golden stake again as he leaned against the wall, trying not to cry out in pain. "Kyu-" He suddenly coughed up blood, his white clothes stained red, and fear crept up inside of him. "A v-vision?"he gasped exasperated, confused about why this was happening, why he was feeling pain when this had never happened before the rare times he or one of his siblings received a prophecy. Images flooded through his head and Bellerophon did not want to look at any of this. "Nononononono..!"he chanted, covering his eyes and shaking his head furiously. The prophecy looked so vivid and he had no idea how long he had been having the vision, but Bellerophon could feel the seering pain when he got struck with some sort of weapon. Was this vision so painful because he was feeling himself die? I hope not...he thought to himself as the future of despair faded away, falling forward and feeling himself being caught in his protector's arms. His eyes finally stopped glowing, but he had no idea if his eyes were still bleeding or if he had continued coughing up blood or if anything else went wrong with him while he was seeing the vision. He clutched Kyuberos' hand, trying to make him stop freaking out and to listen to him. "H-horrible...rebel..li..on...f-father, warn...him...six months...declared war...s-so many corpses...and...I felt...myself g-get stabbed, then...thats how, vision ends..."he relayed weakly to Kyuberos, before everything went black. ++ SERAPHION ++ "Yes, sir, I will inform the owner of your intentions."he replied, proud of himself for not giving the protector some snarky comment like he wanted to. Seraphion felt annoyed that Candiland would be under inspection due to the basement and tunnel, but he was confident that the council would not find anything he did not want them to find. And they technically were not residents, so it would be completely reasonable for them not to be here when that protector returned for his inspection if they were passed off as customers who simply never returned. As soon as Pemberly and the troublesome boys left Candiland, he sighed and held his hand for his own troublesome boy. "You were very reckless, you know? If it wasn't for the prince's selfishness, you probably would have been arrested Jaycee..."he began to scold, noting the frown on the boy's face as he lifted him off the ground. Seraphion spoke before Jaycee could interrupt. "But, even though I recommend not being so hasty with your actions, it did give me the opportunity to place a very...interesting spell on the two of them. Well, I need to inform Peppa Jack of what happened...don't worry Charlotte I'll take care of it, your break is almost over. Jaycee, come with me." He felt incredibly proud of his spell, honestly, even if it was a bit risky. Only a dark wizard should be to see and lift the curse, so the only potential obstacle was the youngest prince, but nobody would take his words seriously if he mentioned it. Seraphion knocked on Petrios' door when the two of them arrived, sighing a bit as he remembered the hole in the building. ++ VALEXANDER && VALORA ++ Valexander never got to answer. “Oh, he did what now?” Like a python sinking its teeth into it's unsuspecting prey, a hand suddenly grasped the collar of Valexander’s shirt. He felt himself being lifted off the ground like a lion grabbing it’s cub by the neck and the next second he knew, Valexander was being forced to stare into familiar raging eyes. Despite her collected composure, Valexander knew better. His mother was furious. “Protector Pemberly Abernathy, how good of you to find the child for me, I was just about to look for this fool myself. Wait there just for a moment, please. Valexander Mancini, answer this question for me.” The never melting ice in her tone felt colder than the glare she was giving him. Valora harshly shoved her son onto the ground, hearing him wince a bit from both the rock he landed on and the magical handcuffs still pressed against his wrists. “Do you think it will bother me if I never have grandchildren, my son?” the voice of terror demanded her answer as she swiftly struck her sword into the ground in between Valexander’s legs. As the boy’s pale face twisted with fear, unable to respond coherently as he instinctively tried to scoot backward, she snarled, mentally blaming the gentle wizard waiting inside of the house for passing on his cowardly genetics. She gave him one last threat, “You already know my answer and should remember that the next time you decide to do something idiotic. And do not think we are finished just yet, so stay there.” Ignoring her shaking and frightened son who was on the verge of tears, she turned to look back at Pemberly. “Thank you for waiting. You said my son dragged my cousin into some sort of outrageous plot? Please, enlighten me about what occurred.” ++ BELLONA ++ The light of her life entered the room and she felt overwhelmed with joy, sitting up immediately in her bed. When Belzeneff approached close enough, she immediately wrapped her arms around him and locked him into a hug. "My love!"she exclaimed happily, looking into her dear husband's eyes, "I'm so happy you're here...I'm so sorry if I've worried you, but I'm okay now..." ++ VALYN ++ "He is still feeling some pain but, he is better than earlier..."she replied, unable to hide the worry in her tone. As she slipped the last healing potion for the day to her son, she set the bottle down and squeezed her husband's hand. "Yes, I just gave him the healing potions to stop the bleeding...it will takes weeks of bed rest and treatment, but he'll recover."she said softly, trying to be confident as she spoke to prevent Valiant from worrying even more. At that moment Kyron rushed in with his hands full of bandages, fervently handing them to Valyn. She immediately grabbed a roll and began to carefully wrap the bandages around Valerio's wounds, in case his injuries reopened. "You will be alright my son, I'll make sure of it." ++ LOUELLE & BELSHAZZAR ++ As they walked towards the church Louelle's phone rang and he quickly checked the message while trying to keep of with Belial, who was still walking ahead of him. "Protector Louelle!"he heard someone call out to him, but he knew it wasn't Belial, so he looked up from his phone and saw Prince Belshazzar running up to him. In his arms was his sleeping pet dinosaur, Belbel, and Louelle wondered why in the world he was carrying it around. Belial stopped walking to observe their conversation and Louelle hoped that they wouldn't start another argument with each other. "H-how is the health of my mother?"asked Belshazzar, who was panting after running all the way from the entrance. He really could not run anymore and need a break as he set down Belbel onto the ground, who happily rolled onto his back. Louelle glanced back to his charge, noticing Belial staring at Belshazzar with odd concentration without the normal glare of hatred. "She has received the antidote and is recovering well. And I just received a message from Stannis, your majesty. Your father has arrived, so you will have to wait until after the King is finished to visit. Until Pemberly arrives, please wait with us, it is dangerous to be alone right now."he answered, hoping that Belial would not mind, even though he knew deep down the younger prince would. He sent a quick reply to Valtreks saying that he was watching over Belshazzar and Belial. Louelle did not want to leave Belshazzar alone and Pemberly was nowhere in sight. But as long as the two princes did not speak to each other, there was hope that the two of them would not fight. He sent a quick text to Pemberly, saying that Belshazzar was safe with him, and let him know they were headed to the healer room. Just as Louelle was thinking that things were going by too smoothly, the situation suddenly spiraled out of control and the tension in the air rose. ++ BELIAL & BELSHAZZAR ++ Belial’s eyes narrowed at the peculiar aura near his brother’s neck, dark magic he had no doubt nobody else would be able to detect. “You-" he began to say, grabbing his older brother’s arm to get his attention. “Unhand me, you lunatic! Visiting mother is my top priority so I do not have sufficient time for idle conversation, especially with you.” snapped Belshazzar, who glared at his younger brother. He gripped Belial’s arm and shoved him away, causing the younger prince to stumble backward into his protector’s arms. “Tch, fine, you welcome death’s embrace? I shall leave you to your fate.” Belial muttered venomously, straightening his clothes as he regained his composure. Belshazzar did not want to hear what his insane brother had to say and quickly turned away, about to ask Louelle something when Belial suddenly insulted him. “Your idiocy astounds me! Blessed prophecies from Oz are not needed to foresee that you will di-” Belial began, but Belshazzar immediately spun right back around with fury in his eyes. “I am a genius, retract your ludicrous statement at once, Belial!” he yelled, incredibly offended, but Belial just folded his arms and gave him a taunting smirk. “The dark mark on your shoulder has already made a stain and probably won’t come out, no matter how much you try to wash it. The ocean waves drown shells and suffocate the salt. Skin burns in the light of shining gas and never ceases to simmer the sinners who dare leave the holy land that magic graces. And weary mother has been blessed; her soul mate returned, locking out all who dare break into the white fortress. Cease your hope, now. You will never see her. Your imbecilic brain poisoned by logic and reasoning, does it grasp the meanings of your dark brother or does confusion still plague your feeble mind.” Belshazzar just looked at him with disgust, not even bothering to decipher what his brother just said. "You're mad. Logic and reason are lost on you!"he rebutted, hearing Louelle try to calm them down but both of the princes were now ignoring him. "And you who rejects all who are curved paths of thought could never understand the dark beauty of magic that slumbers in nature."growled Belial, who was tempted to kick Belbel out of spite for Belshazzar, but the poor thing had punishment enough having to live with him all day and night so he just continued glaring. [/center]