[center]++ KYUBEROS ++ Kyuberos swelled with pride under Bellerophon's praise, happy simply by the fact that he was. According to Rodrigo and Ethan, collecting the spear was no easy task, but Kyuberos deemed it worth it, just based on the Prince's face. Which is why he found it so surprising when he heard it clatter to the ground. " Bellerophon, are you alright?" he asked worriedly, helping him get back on his feet after retrieving the item off the floor. It was strange, since he had never known the Prince to ever drop one of his precious golden treasures, but when he saw the crimson liquid --his blood-- drip out of his eyes, he knew instantly what was going on. Immediately after his vision stopped, Kyuberos rushed to Bellerophon''s side, catching him before he hit the ground. " Bellerophon! Just hold on, I'll get you some help, just stay awake," He was already halfway through a teleportation spell when he felt the prince clasp his hand to get his attention. Even though his mind was racing a mile a minute and the desperate need to get Bellerophon to help overwhelmed him, he diligently listened to his prophecy. He knew better then to ignore any of Oz's prophecies, as they always spoke true, but he as skeptical of this particular one. Rebels? In the city? Declaring war?? Sure, there was Criminal Nova, but he was a single person who could be easily taken care of if he became too much of a threat. Surely he couldn't declare war on all of Wiz? And as far as the last part? Well, he would rather die then let anything happen to Bellerophon, and he was certain that a handful of rebels would never be enough to take him down. After Bellerophon lost consciousness, Kyuberos carefully hoisted him on his shoulder, using two hands to finish the spell. While he did loathe the man, Trowa Lancaster was the best healer in the castle, so he had no choice but to go to him. ++ TROWA && KYUBEROS ++ After being kicked out of the Queen's healing room by Belzeneff, Trowa was making his way to the royal dining hall for some food when Kyuberos instantly appeared before him, an unconscious and bleeding Bellerophon on his shoulder. “ Oh! Kyuberos, how good it is to see you again!” He smiled, completely ignoring the bleeding Prince he was carrying. This got a snarl out of the Protector as he grabbed the collar of Trowa’s shirt and tugged him forward, “ Do not play games with me Lancaster! Heal Bellerophon now!” If it were anyone else, they would have crumbled under Kyuberos’ steely glare, but Trowa had nothing but a sleazy smile on his face as he returned the gesture and grabbed Kyuberos’ own clothes and brought him closer, until their noses were touching. “ Ohhhh,” He moaned obscenely, his cheeks growing pink, “ I get all tingly when you take control like that!!” Kyuberos growled again and Trowa could tell that his luck was growing thin, so he chuckled and released his hold. “ I’m only joking sweetcheeks!” He wasn’t. “ I’ll take him to my personal office since the Queen and her loverboy are using up the medical bay. Feel free to join us honey,” He gazed at Kyuberos seductively, “ I loooove threesomes!“ He immediately ducked, out of past experiences, and barely missed Kyuberos’ swinging fist. “ Now now honey bun, I can’t help the Prince if I’m missing my head, now am I?” His only response was a rough shove towards his personal office. Out of convenience, his office wasn’t far from the medical rooms and after a short walk, they found themselves in Trowa’s humble abode. Just entering the room made Kyuberos feel dirty and he held Bellerophon closer, who was now in his arms, hoping that Trowa’s infestation would not touch the Prince. “ Place him over there on that bed,” Trowa instructed, pointing to the pink bed in the corner before retrieving some supplies from the cabinets. “ Don’t worry, the sheets are clean!” Kyuberos didn't believe it, but he had no choice and set Bellerophon down on the pink sheets. As Trowa got more supplies, Kyuberos used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe away the bloody tears trailing down the Prince's face. It was rare for a vision to cause this much damage and Kyuberos was worried about it's lasting effects. " Don't worry," Trowa said in a moment of seriousness, noticing the worried look on the Protector's face, " I don't think this will harm his regular vision in anyway." Kyuberos only nodded and remained at Bellerophon's side as Trowa began to heal him. ++ PEMBERLEY ++ True to the rumors, Valora Mancini was cold and ruthless when angered, even to her own son. Pemberley even felt a chill go down his spine, and he wasn't the one in trouble! However, it did bring him some enjoyment to watch Valenxander get chewed out by his mom. It served him right after all the trouble he caused. Upon request, Pemberley explained the situation to Valora, deciding to spare Valexander some expense and left out where exactly he had found them. " I'll be conducting a formal investigation concerning the attempted kidnapping of the Prince, though I suspect it will result in nothing, since they were both in disguise at the time. Afterall, the assailant released them after they revealed themselves, but you can never be too sure." He explained formally, as Valora was a higher rank than he was. Just then, he received a message from Louelle, saying that Belshazzar was in his care. There was already a previous message from Valtreks asking if he was with Belshazzar, and Pemberley saw that as a sign that it was time to take his leave. " Now, if you excuse me, I'll be leaving." But before he left, he shot Valexander a menacing look, " Remember what I told you! The next time I find you like that again, you're going down for real!" When he arrived back at the castle, he found Belshazzar and Belial at each other's throats. " Have they been at this long?" He calmly asked Louelle, both already used to this kind of behavior between the brothers. He thought about interfering once or twice in the past, but ultimately he just gave up and waited until they got tired and gave up. Afterall, he rules of a Protector is to always protect the one they're assigned to but it never mentioned what to do when the other person is a member of the royal family too. In no way, shape, or form is he allowed to hurt a royal, so he just stayed out of it. Belial and Belshazzar's arguments rarely got violent anyway, so he didn't worry about it much. ++ VALENTINE && VALIANT ++ Valentine appeared a little after Valiant did. He wasn't as lucky as his father and could just vanish whenever he wanted to-- he had responsibilities -- but luckily the Head of the Council, was in good standing with their family and as soon as Valiant left, Pemperknackle had called up Valentine and gave him permission to leave too. " He said that it was vampires who did this to him." Valentine said, noticing how his father snapped to attention. He knew about his father's past with vampires and the true story behind his eyepatch, so he was eager not to let them get away with this for a second time. " I have already arranged a meeting with the Vampire Council to discuss this." Relations between the Wizards and Vampires were good and the two usually didn't attack one another, but their peace treaty only applied to Wiz and wherever the Vampires resided, leaving the human world to free game. There wasn't much he could do if this happened on Earth, but he atleast had to try. ++ PEPPA JACK ++ Paydays were always Peppa's favorite days. Bulrupees were stacked around his office, reaching as high as the ceiling, and the pleasant smell they had left the room smelling great. " 50ℬ, 100ℬ, 200ℬ, 300ℬ, ahahahahaha! Peppa Jack's beautiful Cupcakes are angels!! Makin' Peppa Jack all this bank!!" He laughed out loud, fanning his face with stacks of Bells. A Cupcake, on a average night, earns around 3,500ℬ from one client alone. Peppa collected their earnings in the mornings and calculated the costs, and then returns the Belzacash to them, after taking out their living costs, food costs, and whatever else there is. He rarely got any complaints from his Cupcakes that his routine was unfair, which is pretty much the greatest thing a pimp can ever hear. There was a knock at the door and rather then standing up to answer it, he leaned further back in his chair, putting his feet up on his desk and shouted, " Peppa Jack allows you to enter!" He was expecting it to be one of his Cupcakes, coming to ask for an early payment, but was surprised to see Seraphion come in with Jaycee trailing behind him. " Ah, so good to see you friends!" Peppa stood from his chair, approaching the two with open arms and greeted them with kisses on the cheek. " What bring's you to Peppa Jack's office on such a pleasant day! There ain't no better day than pay day!" He laughed, rubbing his hands together.[/center]