[center]++ BELLEROPHON ++ He stirred in Trowa's bed, feeling the pain gradually lesson and Bellerophon slowly opened his eyes. Everything looked incredibly blurry but he could tell that he was surrounded by pink. "Who? Wha...Pink?"asked the disoriented prince. His vision started to clear and Bellerophon vaguely recognized the figure in front of him as Healer Lancaster. Even though he was barely conscious the prince knew that the healer was someone he needed to avoid. The blond had no intentions of looking at Trowa longer than he needed to so turned his eyes away, feeling relieved when he spotted a somewhat blurry figure with white hair nearby. He felt drained of energy so Bellerophon didn't fight his desire to rest, quickly falling back to sleep. ++ SERAPHION && JAYCEE ++ Seraphion grimaced. "Well, I am afraid I have some bad news, my friend. And some good news too, actually, but...I will tell you that after the bad news. You see, there was an...incident."he informed, glancing over at Jaycee. "So, because of what happened there will be a formal investigation of Candiland. I was not there the entire time so I am unsure what happened but Jaycee can tell us." Jaycee perked up. "Oh, yeah, I almost caught Prince Belshazzar."he announced proudly, "See, I was talkin' about how the queen got poisoned, and then this guy at the next table freaks out! He seriously spazzed! He ran out without paying and everything, so his friend had to pay for him! Said he had to check on his mom, so I was like, Hey! It's gotta be a prince! Well I knocked his friend out but then the prince came back, so I knocked him out too. But THEN OUT OF NOWHERE, a man riding a...weird creature just bust through the wall and made a hole! And pinned me down!" Seraphion cut in on Jaycee's animated explanation. "I came in at this point, I was close by, and one of your Cupcakes came to me for help..."he explained, and then proceeded to tell Peppa Jack the rest of the story. "Oh, but Seraphion managed to curse the prince before he left, and all thanks to my great plan." Jaycee looked triumphant about his accomplishment and Seraphion felt unsure whether it was a good idea to bring him along to explain after all. "Yes...I did."Seraphion clarified, crossing his arms. "You acted very reckless, though, Jaycee..." ++ LOUELLE ++ He sighed in relief that Pemberly arrived, feeling better that he no longer had to deal with this by himself. "No, they just begun. They've barely thrown any insults yet." He observed carefully as Belial suddenly smirked and Louelle groaned, recognizing when the young prince purposely said things to anger his brother. "For thy light up the world through your own death; become one with the stars, illuminating the night sky bright. Oh cursed one, you the lighthouse who will guide those lost in the dark." Louelle had no idea what he said, and neither did Belshazzar by the look on his face. ++ BELLAKANE && KYRIE ++ "Bellakane, you have the most beautiful family I swear! You should hook me up with one of your brothers or cousins."laughed her only friend, Kyrie, but the young princess quickly paled. "U-uh, um I don't think...thats a good idea..."she mumbled, visibly horrified at the thought of Kyrie dating someone like Belvedere or Bellarino, especially Bellarino. She had been careful to make sure Kyrie never stepped into the castle or got near any of her siblings. Bellakane couldn't do anything about the twins bullying her, and she deserved it anyways for being a waste of royal blood, but the least she could do was protect Kyrie from them. "What was that?" Bellakane heard her ask, and she tried to muster up the courage to warn her about how mean her brothers were, but she...didn't want to be mean and say anything bad about her family. "Um...um, I think...most of them are...old. Yeah. Too old for you, I mean. N-not that there is anything wrong with being old! Or people dating with a large age difference...um...I..."she faltered as she tried to come up with an excuse, but Kyrie was used to this and just patted her on the shoulder with a supporting smile. "Ah, come on Bellakane! You can say what you want around me, remember? I like hearing your opinions."said Kyrie, and Bellakane wondered what she had done to deserve such a kind friend. "Oh..ok...Ah, Kyrie. My brothers...not all of them are...cut out for relationships. Ummm...."she stuttered, tears suddenly welling up in her eyes. "Um..umumumum..." "Er, Bellakane? Come here." Kyrie looked alarmed, but she had her arms open wide and Bellakane tried to hold back her tears. "Give me a hug!" Bellakane was suddenly embraced in a tight hug. "Aw, sorry for making you cry, Belly-Kane~! I won't try to hit on any of your brothers, ok? Your cousins, on he other hand..."teased Kyrie, letting go of her, "Those blond beauties! Hey, I wonder how you would look with blonde hair?" Bellakane was thankful for Kyrie purposely changing the subject and she smiled. "Mommy says I have daddy's straight, black hair!"she shared, proud to at least inherit something from her amazing father, even if it was something as simple as hair. "But she also said that I look a lot like she did when she my age. Maybe I would look like her if I was blonde?" Kyrie smirked. "I bet you would look like your scary aunt. She has blonde, straight hair right?" "Auntie Valora? Um, I don't think I look...tough enough to look like her. No amount of hair styling will fix that!"joked Bellakane. ++ VALENCINO ++ "Are you girls gossiping about dating and boys and hair again?"he asked with a grin as he stepped in the room the two girls were in, greeting both with a hug. "Oh, I wonder if my little Valstell will gossip about the same things when she's your age."he sighed, exaggerating his grief as he pretended to cry. "My poor heart...my baby girl...dating someday...no..." He suddenly looked back at the two girls with a sly smile. "Oh, because my daughter really is the most precious in the world! Just today, I cast a spell to make animal shaped bubbles, and she loved it! Valstell was adorable trying to catch all of the bubbles."he described proudly. The girls giggled among themselves for a moment and he put on another smile on his face. "So, Bellakane, we need to go home early today..."he began. When he first walked in the room, he didn't have the heart to make the princess feel worried over her mom when she looked so happy with her friend. But, he had stalled enough, and now he needed to return her to the castle. Bellakane blinked before nodding obediently. "O-oh, alright."she agreed, looking slightly confused. ++ BELLARINO ++ "You're lucky to even have me bother to glimpse at your disgusting face. You should be grateful that I lowered myself to touching someone of your...status. You think yourself a noble? That your pedigree is so great that I would be impressed? *Me*, a *prince* who is descended from the great *Fai the Conqueror* and *Valhalla the Protector*! You are a filthy peasant compared to my grand lineage. Get out of my sight."he snarled shoving away the wizard in front of him. The wizard stumbled back onto his feet and was about to run away from the angry prince when Bellarino suddenly reached out and grabbed the collar of the retreating male's shirt. "You dare turn your back on a prince? After I graced you with my presence, why are you leaving?!"demanded the prince. He narrowed his eyes at the fumbling wizard before shoving him onto the floor. "But you just said to leave-" "Why would I ever want such a handsome wizard to leave?"chimed Bellarino sweetly, smiling as he extended his hand to help the wizard back onto his feet. The wizard hesitantly accepted the prince's hand and Bellarino forcefully pulled him into an embrace. "I could never be bored of you, oh no, I am infatuated with you. I adore everything about you: your face, your voice, your everything."he whispered into his ear, hugging him possessively. "But...I-" "Who do you think you are to interrupt me? Speaking to me with your annoying voice like an equal! Argh, shut up shut up shut up! You are so irritating!"he shouted, pulling away from the wizard and gripping onto his shoulder's tightly. He glared straight into the wizard's distraught eyes. "You only wanted me for my status and money! Didn't you?! How dare you treat royalty like this?! You disgust me."he growled, suddenly latching onto the wizard's throat as he held him against his bed, seconds away from choking him. "No! No! It's not like that Prince Bellarino-" "Oh, you can just call me Bellarino, remember sweetie? No need for labels when we are in my private room. You are so special to me, don't you feel honored to be favored by a prince?" Bellarino smiled again as he loosened his fierce grip on the wizard's neck. Out of nowhere, a melody erupted in his room, inciting a furious reaction from Bellarino. "That annoying tune, huh? Oh, do not worry about that. That's just my girlfriend calling. How dare she think I would waste my free time speaking with her?"he hissed, pulling away from the wizard. "Um, you have a girlfriend-?" Bellarino smirked as he tuned out the irritating ringtone. "Of course, there is no way someone as attractive as I am would remain single for long. And I have no doubt that you agree with me. After all, I know you had fun with me earlier when I-"he laughed, patting the wizard on the back, but the prince once again heard an annoying ringtone. Bellarino frowned and slowly turned his head towards the corner of his room, where his protector had been observing the entire time, looking bored as always. ++ EVELINA ++ A text from Big Mancini -she forgot his name again, too many damn Mancinis to remember- and Evelina replied she was watching over the royal brat, in more respectful words of course. "How dare your phone ring while I'm busy! Shut that thing off, now!"she heard the prince shout, but she just stared at him blankly. "Of course, my prince. "she replied, exaggerating the movements of her hand to show she was about to turn off the phone, "We will simply be last to hear if anything happens to your wonderful twin, your majesty." As she predicted, Prince Bellarino threw the wizard off of him in an instant. "Get out!"he shouted at the male and she could feel the rage radiating from him as he paced angrily forward. "Belvedere?! Is he in danger? Pathetic peasant, I demand you to tell me at once before I have you executed!" Ignoring his threats, she waited until the other wizard finally escaped from the room and Bellarino's insanity before informing the brat, "Well, the assassin who attacked your mother was executed but we have not confirmed that the castle is one hundred percent safe yet." Evelina heard him mutter something under his breath, probably another insult. The prince spoke up again, in that demanding tone she loathed, and began ranting, "Not safe?! My brother could be dying right now and you're here wasting my time, letting me screw around with some wizard! Take me to my brother now!" ++ BELLARINO ++ He frantically headed towards his and Belvedere's room, hoping he was still asleep and alive, cursing at Evelina the entire time. Oh, how Bellarino hated her. She was always polite. Never a bother, never speaking when it was not needed, so quiet that he sometimes forgot she was around. He rarely saw any sort of emotion on her face. But he could tell she hated him. He could tell she was insulting him, somehow, in some form, most likely in her thoughts if the peasant possessed any brains in her uneducated mind. Bellarino knew hatred, he knew insults, probably better than anyone, because he hated everyone and insulted everyone. He could sense the subtle sarcasm in her tone and sometimes wondered if she was more cold-hearted than him. Well, that cold bitch was probably jealous of him, he reminded himself. After all, why wouldn't she be? It was great to be him. As he neared the section of the castle where the royal family lived, Bellarino spotted something on the floor. Something shiny. "What is that? The thing next to that blood?"he asked, pointing at the object. Being useful for once, his protector walked ahead and grabbed the item for him, her voice flat as usual, "It is a gold flower." "Gold flower? Give it to me."he demanded, snatching the flower out of her hands. It was a gold flower, like she said, and he twirled the rose in his hands as he continued his walk towards the room. Bellarino smiled cruelly, knowing that it could only belong to his moronic older brother Bellerophon. He didn't care why it was here, or why there was blood on the floor next to it, he just felt excited at the thought that they finally got the flower. He couldn't wait to torment Bellerophon again. But he still worried for his precious twin, so he tossed the flower to Evelina to hold and continued to look for his brother. When he finally reached their room, Bellarino slammed open the door and ran inside. "Belvedere?!"he called out as he went to his side, and to his relief the blond was still soundly sleeping and breathing. The relieved prince took Bellerophon's flower back from Evelina before dismissing her with a "Get out of my face you annoying bitch" and kicked her out of the room, knowing she would probably be standing outside anyways. He gently shook his brother to try to wake him, happily exclaiming, "Belvedere! Wake up, you won't believe what I just found!" ++ EVELINA ++ Glad to be kicked out of the room, she whipped out her phone and sent another message to Valtreks. [i] I just found a gold flower in the hallway next to blood. Prince Bellarino verified that it belongs to Prince Bellerophon, but I do not see him anywhere near here. [/i] [/center]