[center]++ KYUBEROS ++ Kyuberos waited anxiously as Trowa healed Bellerophon, his eyes never leaving the pink haired wizard's hands. Trowa was known notoriously throughout the castle for bad touching his patients, especially his unconscious ones. He didn't know why the healer was still employed here, even after all of the complaints he had received, from this year alone. Perhaps it had something to do with his family's high social status? The Lancaster family were known for their healing abilities, which was about the only thing saving Trowa from getting kicked out from the castle. But no amount of nobility would be able to save him if his left hand continued any lower down Bellerophon's body and Kyuberos shout out his hand and stopped it, glaring heatedly at the wizard, " Go any further and you won't have a hand anymore." " Ohh baby, that's it, just like that," Trowa moaned once more, but for once, Kyuberos didn't recoil. He knew enough about the wizard that most of what he said was just to get a reaction out of the other party. Or maybe he really was 100% serious about everything. Regardless, he was prepared to go through the pervert's flirting for the sake of Bellerophon's wellbeing. Trowa seemed to catch on to Kyuberos' 'no joke, no play' mood and shook his hand off, peeling off his plastic gloves to toss them in the trash, " I've done all I can do. The best you can do right now is to watch over him and let me know when he wakes up. I'd like to examine him once more when he wakes, and if there is nothing unusual, then we have nothing to worry about." Kyuberos didn't need to be told twice that he could leave and gathered up Bellerophon in his arms, too busy with Trowa's ridiculousness to notice that the Prince had woken up, only to fall back to sleep again. He left Trowa's office in a hurry, leaving behind the pervert healer and his condescending catcalls. He took Bellerophon to his side of the castle and arrived in his room in record time. He gently placed the Prince in his golden bed and tucked him under the covers, making sure that he was comfortable and that he could rest easy. Some of the maids had come by to draw the curtains and place a cool pitcher of water by his bedside table. And as much as Kyuberos wanted to stay and make sure that he was alright, there were more pressing matters to attend to, such as the prophecy that had placed Bellerophon in this condition in the first place. [i]Your Majesty, My King, I know you are busy right now, but I must speak with you urgently. Prince Bellerophon has seen a prophecy and it is....troubling to say the least.[/i] [i]What?![/i] Came Belzeneff's angry reply. Even from far away, Kyuberos could already see his King seething with frustration. Whether from the danger that was about to come, or the fact that his son had seen such an important prophecy and not him, Kyuberos didn't know. But he didn't know that no matter how foolish or lazy Belzeneff was, he wasn't going to pass something like this up. [i]Meet me in my quarters in ten minutes.[/i] Belzeneff ordered shortly and ended their telepathic conversation. Kyuberos had enough time to make sure Bellerophon was comfortable again before calling Kyuubee over to watch over the sleeping Prince while he went off to talk with the King. It was only when he was approaching Belzeneff's door that he realized something was off. He couldn't place his finger on it, but there had been something different about Bellerophon today. Unfortunately, he didn't have enough time to dwell on it since the grand doors to Belzeneff's personal office opened and he slipped inside, ready to tell the King about Oz's new prophecy. ++ VALTREKS ++ After storming out of the medical room, Belzeneff had ordered Valtreks and Stannis to stand down and 'do whatever the hell they wanted to do' with his blessing, so the two decided to grab a quick bite to eat from the kitchen. Valtreks didn't get breaks often, usually having to stuff portable food containers and disposable snacks in his jacket pockets so he could eat on the go, so it felt nice to sit down and actually eat a meal. He had received text messages from the other Royal Protectors, with the exception of Kyuberos-- or Kyuubee, whichever one was on duty right now --but he wasn't alarmed. Out of all of his cousins, Bellerophon was always the one most heavily guarded, which is why he almost choked on his spoon full of soup when he got a text from Kyuberos saying that Bellerophon had just left Trowa's office. He quickly threw his spoon into the bowl, splashing tomato soup everywhere, and grabbed his jacket that was hanging on the back of his chair. " TIME TO GO STANNY, BELLEROPHON NEEDS OUR ASSISTANCE AT ONCE!!" He bellowed and Stannis faithfully dropped his food and unsheathed his sword for the second time that day, turning to look at Valtreks with trusting eyes, " Lead the way dear friend!!" Thankfully, before any real damage was done, Valtreks received a follow up text from Kyuberos explaining what happened with the prophecy, and that Bellerophon was to be left alone and needed rest; the last thing he needed was having two dimwitted idiots screaming in his ear about their loyalty to the Royal family. Opting to ignore that last part, Valtreks sent back a smiley face and told Stannis it was a false alarm and the two returned to their seats, calmly falling back into eating their meal. He wasn't alarmed by Evelina's text when he got it and relaxed into his seat, having finished the soup minutes before. KYUBEROS HAS INFORMED ME OF THE ORDEAL. DO NOT BE ALARMED, FAIR EVELINA, THE MATTER HAS BEEN CLEARED UP. He send the reply off without a second thought, but as he was putting his phone back into his pants pocket, something striked him as odd. Doing a quick double-take, Valtreks had a hard time believing what he had just read. Bellerophon without his flower? That was unheard of. Maybe Bellarino was mistaken? No, that wasn't it...it must have been Bellerophon's flower then. After some thought and deliberation, he decided to shrug it off for now. He did care about his cousins, but he had no time for brotherly conflicts right now, especially with an injured Prince and an-almost-assassinated-Queen. He did send a quick message to Ervin though, asking him to go and clean the puddle of blood up. ++ BELVEDERE ++ The young Prince had been napping in his soft, luxurious bed when he heard the voice of his twin and stirred. He wasn't prepared to stop dreaming just yet and turned over, hoping that Bellarino was just returning to their room for something and would leave soon. There wasn't much in the world that he would put above his beloved twin, but sleep was one of them. Still, when Bellarino shook his shoulder, he opened his eyes and stretched lazily, hoping that whatever he had to say was important. And when he looked at what Bellarino had in his hand, he knew that it was. Oh it was so, so important. He immediately sat up and looked at him with sparkling eyes, " Is that what I think it is??" He asked excitedly, scooting closer, " How did you manage to get it? I thought the guard dogs were on duty today? No, you know what, nevermind. We should be figuring out what to do with it? What should we do?" Their older brother Bellerophon was always a good source of entertainment, but never had they had such a huge opportunity to fuck up his life like this one. " Do we burn it? Trash it? Pick the petals and spread them all across Wiz?" The possibilities were endless, they just had to choose the right one. ++ PEPPA JACK ++ " Formal investigation?" Peppa snorted, sitting back down, surrounded by his piles of money, " You had Peppa Jack worrin' that this was serious. The Council always tryin' ta catch Peppa Jack ridin' dirty, but you kno how Peppa Jack do, they ain't find nothin." Ever since the King's stunt with Aelita Mory, the Council has been trying to shut Candiland down, deeming it 'dirty' and 'morally unjustifiable' to be in such a holy city, such as the Main City, the city of the King. But all their attempts fell flat, what with Candiland being a legitimate business and all, and Belzeneff's reluctance to declare prostitution illegal. " All Peppa Jack needs ta do is tidy up an we fine." He smiled, circling around in his chair. Truth was that he had to hide Valereon Mancini when the investigators came, sweep alittle drugs and honesty potions under the rug, and fix the hole in the roof, but all of those were nothing to fret over. Quick fixes. " You two jus' lie low for awhile, scat when the popo get here, and we all be fine."[/center]