[center]++ BELLARINO ++ "Yeah, yeah! It's Bellerophon's flower! Can you believe that I just found it, dropped on the floor?"he explained gleefully. Bellarino handed the gold rose to his twin, so that Belvedere could get a chance to hold and look at it too. "I say we burn the dumb thing or just cut it up and make it into salad, but we need to plan something even better. We need to think of something perfect!"his eyes danced with mischief. A part of Bellarino knew that his stupid older brother probably charmed the damn flower to be burn proof and resistant to other types of damage, and since Bellarino wasn't a loser nerd like Bellerophon who studied, he had no idea how to break his brother's stronger spells. But, he and his twin could get around that, because they were the best and nothing could stop the best for long. "We need to think of something that would really disturb him, something *personal *that will fuck him up to the core, something that would make him even more crazy than that psycho brother of ours. I like your plan of spreading the petals across the world, but the flower would just be...hmmm lost, and he might not even believe us! I say we destroy it! Besides, I think he'll feel much, much more despair if he finds the rose right in front in him but too late to save it." he smirked, then with a dark laugh added, "Just like that dumb bitch he was supposed to marry. When he found her, it was already too late to help." ++ BELUFASA ++ Once Kyuberos left, the lion emerged from his extravagant personal suite and stepped into Master Bellerophon's connected room. Belufasa looked curiously at the sleeping wizard. He smelled of blood; but, he seemed to be resting. Assessing that his master was in a vulnerable state as he recovered, Belufasa suddenly pounced onto the golden bed and curled next to the prince, intending to guard Bellerophon as he slept. The sleeping wizard turned towards Belufasa when he came close and subconsciously hugged his large paw like a stuffed toy. Not minding the affection, the lion purred and glanced around the room, making sure no intruders approached. ++ SERAPHION && JAYCEE ++ "But still, the investigation involves a prince this time, so I'm concerned. The queen's favorite prince, too."he countered, though Seraphion would not be surprised if Peppa Jack still didn't see an issue. Before he could say anything else, Jaycee interrupted. "Ahhh, boss sir you're always so serious, thinking all things through, but Peppa Jack said we're fine! Besides, the queen was poisoned, she ain't got time worrying about us."he proudly relayed, then widened his eyes for a second, and looked at Peppa Jack. "Oh, yeah! The queen got poisoned, did I say that already? I was telling Charlotte, after Seraphion told me that Abiel told him, but did he tell you?" Seraphion sighed. "Jaycee, that reminds me, you shouldn't have mentioned secret information near Peppa Jack's customers."he explained patiently, before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a miniature envelope he shrunk with a spell earlier. "We need to discuss your gossiping habits, Jaycee, but that is for later. Can you run an errand for me? I have to do something once we return to The Under, so after we arrive, give this to Aurelia please."he asked, and Jaycee smiled enthusiastically as he took the letter into his hands. "Oh, I got it! Give this to Miss Zolne...Zonro...wish...witch...Um, yeah! Her!"Jayce sputtered embarrassed, having no idea how to pronounce his boss' partner's name. "I won't fail you, boss."he assured with determination sparkling in his eyes as he placed the little letter in his pocket. Seraphion nodded and added, "Well, why don't you go get yourself a snack at sugar rush Jaycee? I've got some things to discuss with Peppa Jack that will surely bore you..." Jaycee grinned and nodded. "Alright, boss! Mista Peppa Jack! I'll see you later!"he happily said his goodbye as he sped out the door, knowing that he had been dismissed. ++ SERAPHION ++ Now that he had gotten Jaycee out of the room, Seraphion focused his attention back to Peppa Jack. "I mentioned I also had good news, so I'll get right to it. I've managed to make a bargain with the demon king..."he paused for a moment, thinking how he could explain his deal swiftly and efficiently, "We'll be safe if he ever becomes angry enough at Belzeneff to wage war on Wiz. We discussed many things, but the part that concerns you is that essentially Candiland won't be touched, and the demons who disobey will have a very...effective, punishment that will correct their behavior and make sure they do not do so again. Of course, this is only in the worst case scenario that an actual war takes place. He still feels angry about what happened with the Mancini traitor and Prince, but I think I have convinced him he should spend his time and resources looking for his son, rather than attack Wiz in revenge." As he finished his explanation, Seraphion had no time to gauge Peppa Jack's reaction to his news because he suddenly heard his son Angelic's voice. Of course, the sound sweeping the room was merely a ringtone, and Seraphion pulled out the cellphone his other son Angiel had given him after becoming a knight. "I'm sorry, Peppa Jack, this is Angiel's emergency line, please excuse me..." He answered the phone and pressed it against his ear, sensing his son's worry through the phone. Father, are you alone? he heard him ask, and Seraphion replied, "No, I'm with Peppa Jack." To his surprise, Angiel seemed to be pleased with his answer and sounded slightly more confident. Good, put the phone on speaker. This involves him, too. Seraphion felt genuinely puzzled why he would need to randomly talk to the pimp but trusted his son. He looked at Peppa Jack. "He says this involves you."he explained, before pressing a button on his phone. "Alright, we are on speaker, Angiel." [i] I have an update on the situation with the queen. Noem Siran was her only protector on duty during the attack. He is being blamed for her condition and his failure has earned him a death sentence. his son informed in a smooth voice, straight to the point with his report. Peppa Jack, you told us he used to work for you? If you wish it, I can save him for you. We have a stroke of luck because I am one of the ones tasked with bringing him to the executioner. I'll think of something, even though it's risky. I just need to know if you want me to send him to Candiland after he escapes. Would you be willing to protect him, Peppa Jack, and sway him to our cause?[/i] [/center]