[quote=PhoenixEye9] CSName: Milo CashAge: 16 History (as much or as little as you like): Milo was born to a family in the outer walls, a farmer. Though he didn't do much farming he always preferred going to town and playing his guitar to make money. His father hated it, even slapping him with a sea bass the day the Titans came. Though that was before they showed up, Milo had planned to ditch duties and go to town but his dad caught him on the way out, slapped him with the sea bass and had him get to his chores. Though those chores didn't get done as Milo abandoned them and went to town. Now they can't get done since the Titans are there. Milo was the last one through the gate, since he got through he tried to find his family but couldn't. Now he became a soldier to take care of himself, protect others, and one day in memory of his father get back to that house and do those stupid chores.Personality: Laid Back, Calm, Lazy, Ready for anythingChosen faction: ScoutOther: Carries a guitar with him (yes its awkward to carry but you better believe thats going with him) [/quote] accepted!