[b]Wire[/b] With little to say to the man. He treated him like a colleague, but he hadn't actually heard of him before: not that he'd expected to be exceptionally well known... But still, Wire was quite unsure where this would lead. [i]Ideally he's just a friendly merc. It's uncommon to ever find one, but there are some.. More likely, he'll be the other type. The type that is all jolly, and friendly, and they draw you in, and then they snap like a twig when you say something you shouldn't. ... Lets assume it's the first, but be ready for the second. Done.[/i] Wire gestured forwards. "Lead on." --- They came to the kitchen, and found a few guards drinking their morning coffee. Howard was not present, and he spent a few idle thoughts wondering what possible punishment he was being subjected to. He banished the thought as he picked up a box of cereal sitting on the side, along with a carton of milk from the sizable fridge. Upon realising what he was after, a courteous thug handed him a bowl and a spoon. Perhaps they thought he was a meta by his get-up, and it was better not to mess with him. Perhaps they were right. Still, he gave them a small "Thank you" through his voice filter. He found a seat, and poured the bowl. Eyes were drawn to him in a disinterested form of anticipation. [i]How was this masked idiot planning to eat while keeping his face hidden?[/i]