There was something about waking up to realize he was still at the office that always left this kind of empty feeling in Mikami’s chest. But it was always easier than going home just to sleep and leaving first thing in the morning. Something about doing that always made him feel horrible. Maybe it was because he'd always been disappointed as a child when his parents were stuck at work late and didn't pay attention to him when they came home, but he just didn't like it. Which is exactly why there is now a futon in the back room connected to his office, for the nights that whatever they're dealing with decides they don't like to operate on a 9 to 5 schedule. It will never feel like waking up at home, but it's a necessary evil and one that Mikami has learned to deal with. So he washed up at the small sink also in the room behind in office, because that was something he failed to do last night before going to sleep. At this point, it was all routine. The only difference was if he had been at home there might have been a small red mop of hair with glasses too big for his face and clear blue eyes standing beside him, making Mikami support most of his weight because it was far too early for to be awake but he wanted to spend the most time with his dad as possible. Right now though, it was time for coffee. Mikami had granted himself a little bit of extra sleeping time because of how late he had been up the night before, dealing with some unavoidable paper work and what not late into the night last night. So by the time he emerged from his office, as clean and presentable as one could get, most of his clansmen were already there. He smiled at the ones that weren't too absorbed in their work on his walk to the coffee machine (something he was strongly considering buying to put in either his office or the back room). On his way back, hot beverage in hand, Mikami started analyzing his co-workers. Seeing which ones were upset, which ones were tired or sick; all of that would come into play if something were to happen today. And happen things always did, so it was best to be prepared. That was when he spotted Cho. She's one of the newer members, having less than two years under her belt, but that's okay. He likes her enough, and while there was one or two incidents early on, most recruits make mistakes like that. The Blue King rarely ever holds it against any of the new recruits. A closer, more scrutinizing look made him think that maybe something was bothering her, but that was just a hunch. Or maybe it was fact that she was holding a stack full of paper work, which would bother anyone. He was sure it would end up on his desk eventually. Might as well take it now. "I can take that for you. It'll end up on my desk anyways," he said as he tapped her on the shoulder, taking another drink from his coffee cup after he had finished talking.