A soft hum suddenly filled the air a few meters away from the group as Mark stepped forwards, his active camouflage shielding him from view, no matter where he was stood. He'd been there since before Daily had even arrived, checking his chronometer every few minutes and watching each person appear, exchanging small talk before one man, Beau, decided to introduce himself, he knew the letters had been sent out by his superiors, and he knew his own role for the current mission, but this first man, he had the makings of a natural leader. Quietly, he listened as Todd, Alex, Daily, Murry, Eli and finally Ray introduced themselves. Explaining their powers and abilities, it was then, that he decided to make his presence known. Following the humming sound, his stealthing slowly stripped back, his armour and mask hiding his entire dermis from view, all except the tips of his index and middle fingers for each hand, it also revealed the High-powered battle rifle strapped to his back, along with the .45 handgun and large combat knife strapped to his right thigh and left pectoral respectively. The lenses in the mask shone a dark red as the odd spark of electricity flickered over his armour. "Well, glad you're all here, there's still one or maybe two more left to arrive, but, this is enough in case they don't make it, you there" he began, pointing to Alex as he finished that first sentence. "Are correct, there is a structure nearby, crawling with Visitors, and yes, you've all been selected to create a special team to eliminate those hostiles." he continued on, finally lifting the mask from his face. "My name is Mark Dean, and Rebel Command sent me to oversee this mission, for all intents and purposes, I am your temporary leader, however, that is only for command's sake, I'd rather you saw me as one of your own, an equal. While I am by no means a recruit like yourselves, I'm no more higher ranking than any of you, either, I'm just here because of my own certain... Talents, I am proficient in most martial arts, and my power, like The lady there's, is defensive, you hit me, I get stronger, simple." He trailed off a moment, watching them all with a small smirk. "Oh, and yes, I can turn invisible, but, that's not a power, that's technological, don't try to steal the box, I'll cut your hands off, any questions?" he asked finally, watching them all intently, brown eyes lingering on each for a few moments before moving on to the next, months of planning, had come down to this, a bunch of outcasts who could break the laws of probability, and hadn't worked together before, and he was in charge, go figure.