[center] ++ EVELINA ++ Though her face did not express it, she felt incredibly smug and satisfied when Prince Belladon stormed into the royal brats' room and took away the flower. She did not personally care about Prince Bellerophon's feelings about the gold rose, but she certainly enjoyed the thought of Bellarino getting scolded by his brother, since she could not do so herself. Because the door had been left open, she could hear and see the entire thing, and Evelina felt that Oz himself had blessed her with this wonderful memory. Belladon's protector, Cordelia, was warily watching the scene alongside her quietly but Evelina ignored her in favor of observing the delightful situation. ++ BELLARINO ++ All the happiness and joy he felt was sucked out of him once the flower and lighter were swatted out from their hands. It was replaced with burning, uncontrollable rage. "Ow!" He rubbed his aching forehead, glaring at Belladon, "Hey, that's mine now! I found that first, give it back to us!" He shouted childishly, seething with anger over his prize being taken away. He lunged forward and attempted to swipe the flower back from Belladon, but his older brother was taller and faster and stronger than him, so his actions were futile and the flower remain safely in Belladon's pocket. "Argh! How dare you take that from me! Who do you think you are, to tell me what I can or can't do?! You can't have the flower!...I hate you!" he yelled at Belladon, not at all knowing how to handle not getting what he wanted for once. "I hate you, I hate you, you have shitty hair too!" He fumed, throwing a temper tantrum. Oh, how he just wanted Belladon out of this room and out of his face. "I want that flower, I found it, so I deserve it. Me and Belvedere should have that flower, not you!"he repeated, though when he still did not get the flower he changed tactics. "I won't forget this, you stupid prick. If you care about Bellerophon", he spat out the name like he was speaking of a disgusting insect, "so much, I found that stupid flower next to a puddle of blood, so you should go see if he is alive. Get the fuck out of here already!" Unlike his twin, he did not care to play nice at the moment, and he turned away from Belladon and redirected his anger to Madiana. "You dumb bitch, how can you protect my brother if you can't stop anybody from storming into here. You're useless trash."he snarled. "You, and my shitty protector, the both of you useless! It's your fault! I was about to see that stupid thing burn, and you ruined it." ++ SERAPHION ++ He nodded with approval. Seraphion had faith in Peppa Jack's Cupcakes and felt confident they would be able to handle such an important mission at short notice. "I think the plan has a high success rate. And I can have some of my men provide any extra distractions, should the situation require it." he suggested, remembering some thugs he befriended the other day. Seraphion still did not know how he personally felt about the situation, but he felt relieved that he would not have to fight against Noem Siran anytime soon now that he was not a royal protector. Harming one of Peppa Jack's old Eclaires was not something he had been looking forward to and a part of him felt glad that this had happened because now he would not have to. His greatest concern, though, was for Angiel and hoped his son would not be placed in jeopardy for Noem escaping. He heard his phone go off once more, this time a simple text message, and he quickly looked at his phone. "We have two hours." he said, reading the text from Angiel. ++ TIARO ++ When he saw that Ororo had entered his office, he had been expecting money, not bad news. "How troublesome." he answered calmly, though it was obvious Tiaro felt immensely displeased at the development. He leaned back in his chair and thought over his options. If she goes missing or is found dead the council would surely make a fuss and Tiaro did not want to deal with those idiots. It would be inconvenient for business if the council dogs roamed around too freely and caught sight of any drugs deals. But the little Mancini girl most definitely saw Ororo's face, so he could not just let her go free back on the surface without taking any precautions first. "Bring me to her."he instructed, standing from his seat. "I will deal with her personally." ++ A N G E L I C ++ "T-thank you." He felt relieved as he grabbed the cards, nearly dropping them because he felt so panicked. "Um..." He quickly glanced at the LARGE CROWD notecard and read through the pointers. RELAX, BREATHE. SMILE, BE KIND, BE HUMBLE. PRAISE YOUR FANS, MAKE THEM HAPPY. TALK ABOUT YOUR MUSIC. SMILE. WAVE AFFECTIONATELY. Angelic took a deep breath and tried to ignore the sick feeling in his stomach, flashing a nervous smile at his excited fans. Releasing his grip on Satanic's sleeve he waved to the crowd, then took another quick glance at his card, before raising his voice. "H-hello! My fans! I am so happy. Happy, that you...you, um", he looked at his note card again, "Are here! T-thank you. Thank you all!" The mere presence of Satanic made the crowd wary of getting too close to them and Angelic felt thankful. It was much easier dealing with the crowd when he had some space. Since he started to speak and actually attempted to address the crowd instead of silently crying on the inside, the wizards had started to hush and quiet down, wanting to hear what Angelic had to say, though there will still some cheering and talkative people. The idol prayed silently to himself, hoping that he could somehow channel his father's speaking skills. "I...I am so grateful!" he smiled again, but his nerves did not ease at all. "Grateful, that my music is something you enjoy. I, I hope that my songs will have...touched your souls. Much like you, my fans, have touched my soul..." Angelic was literally spouting out random words out of his mouth and he just wanted to go faint somewhere. "My fans...my fans, I appreciate you...Singing for you, my fans, brings me such, such joy. I am nothing without you all." The crowd had seemed to finally start listening to his speech and he hoped they didn't notice him shaking. "Thank you for your support!" he took a discreet glance at his card one last, "I look forward to making more music you will enjoy!" He smiled and waved, before looking at Satanic once again. "L-lets get out of here."he whispered. [/center]