Vince was not in a good position. He was hiding behind a counter, while a rogue test subject wandered around looking for him. Even though she was quite bloody, he could still tell who she was. Emily. Test subject #124. She had never liked anyone, and she had been trying to escape this place ever since she came here. But she wasn't really the type to fight back. Did the teleportation do something to her? Well, anyways, him remembering who she was wasn't helping him in any way. He had to find away to escape. He looked around the room. He didn't have to. He remembered everything that was in this room. But maybe, just maybe, someone left something in here accidentally. No such luck. The only stuff that were here were mostly just boards of math to figure out teleportation. But wait, the teleporter was also in here. Maybe he could teleport her somewhere, anywhere other than here. Since she couldn't really see that well, he could just throw something near the teleporter to get her over there. He decided to take a white board and he threw it into the teleporter. It automatically teleported once it went inside. "Grhg?" Emily said. She went towards the teleporter. She stepped inside, and with a satisfying wooshing sound, she was gone. Vince heaved a big sigh of relief.