Yui - Forest of Horunka village <<8>> The girl sniffed her nose from being scared and gave a nod to Yui "I'm glad your fine." She gave a warm smile to the little girl and pulled out her long sword from the ground and placed it onto her back [i]"let's get out of here before more Nepents turn up or something"[/i] she nodded at Timi looking pretty serious "Right" she took Timi her hand and walked up front tk lead the two out of the forest. She looked back over her shoulder to Timi [i]"are you okay?"[/i] she looked up to the sky for a moment and answhered "Yea i'm fine, The others might be worried about us. We have been out here pretty long. We should go back to the inn after this." She gave a giggle at the sleepiness of Timi "You already had enough sleep." She said with a joking manner. They left the forest and Yui sighed again in relief that they where finally out of the forest. She released Timi her hand and they all walked towards town. When they arrived they walked past the food stand with the bread again when Timi talked some more again [i]"I'm hungry again"[/i] it wasnt long ago when they had eaten she must have used most of her enegry in that fight. With that tiny body of hers it takes a lot to kill all the beasts and swing a sword around "All right, but dont eat any more snacks after this or you'll get a tummy ache and you still gotta eat dinner." She walked over to the shop and crouched down to face Hina "Are you hungry, I can buy something for you if you are." The child seemed to be a bit more cheerfull now since they left the forest [i]"I want a chocolate bun, Can I have one onee-chan."[/i] Yuis heart skipped a beat when she heard the word onee chan again she couldnt get enough of it. Her face went a bit flustered when she replied back to Hina "O yea, of course." She got back up and looked over to Timi "What do you want this time Timi." She faced the stand owner and ordered up Hina her order and a melon bread along with Timi her order. They all walked back to the blacksmith wile still eating half the bread. As soon as they entered Hina began running towards the blacksmith that was in the back of the store with the bread in her mouth. The only thing that could be heared was [i]"HINA.""DADDY"[/i] and some crying from the little girl. The blacksmith came up to the front of the store with the child still in his arms [i]"Girls I cant thank you enough. Here is a little something for the trouble."[/i] Yui could see they completed the quest and would even get something that she wanted. She accepted the piece of heavy armour and came up with a request "Are the other pieces of the armour for sell, I would really like to get a full set of armour made by your handiwork." She put on a brave smile so he couldnt possibly decline the offer [i]"I dont have any problems with that"[/i] she bought the other pieces of armour from the blacksmith and waited for Timi to finish. (Armour to be added in images are on my computer)