A sigh escaped her lips as her gaze traveled around the room. Many people were working just like she was—some of them even looked as frustrated as she had been. Then again, who liked to do paperwork? It was a relatively simple job; you just had to put in information on blank lines. The information wasn’t even that hard to find. It was just that one had to do it for hours and hours, and after a while, one’s eyes grew tired and the words began to blend together into one. Cho looked down at her stack of papers. Perhaps she should just hand it to an older member and they could give it to Mikami? She felt like an idiot, standing in the middle of the room with no clue of what to do next. Just as she was about to turn around and go to one of the others, someone tapped her on the shoulder. A familiar voice reached her ears and she turned to see a black-haired man. [i]Mikami Kumini.[/i] Of course, Cho was a little nervous. He [i]was[/i] the Blue King, one of the most powerful men in the world. And she was in his presence. She blinked up at him before dropping her gaze back down to the paperwork that she had in her arms. [i]I can finally get rid of this. It’s beginning to be a bother.[/i] [b]”Thank you.”[/b] she said, handing the papers to him. She forced herself to be as formal and polite as she could be. Cho had heard many things about him—how he once went to law school and how he was older than he looked. She actually thought that he was younger than her, but in reality, he was somewhere in his late twenties. She didn’t remember if he was twenty-six or twenty-eight… then again, she cared little for age. After a moment or two of silence, Cho spoke up again. She raised her eyes to meet his and offered him one of her trademark smiles. [b]”I was wondering if you need me to do anything else? I already finished my paperwork.”[/b] It was then that she realized that he might have [i]more[/i] paperwork for her to do. At that, she internally sulked. [i]I hope not.[/i] However, the smile remained on her lips, and there was a glimmer of hope in her gaze as she waited for an answer. More paperwork meant staying indoors and not feeling the morning breeze on her skin. It was rather stuffy in that room, and she rather be patrolling the area for any sign of trouble. [b]”I mean… I can go and do something for you. I could even go on patrol.”[/b] Cho didn’t know why she kept on blabbering, but the words escaped her lips. She had always been a chatterbox. Her teeth sunk into the bottom of her lip, this time forcing herself to remain quiet. [i]I feel like I’m annoying him. Maybe I should just ask someone if they need help with their paperwork.[/i]