It was barely past noon and Michi was generously inebriated. Even amongst the delinquents her way of acting was slovenly at best. A burger in one hand and a strong scented bottle in the other was Michi in her purest form. She seemed to be avidly telling a story about her break, making obscene hand gestures and noises. She wasn't Japanese and it showed in all of her curves. She wore the school uniform skirt way too short and the top was unbuttoned to its boarder line so ever quick movement made [I]something[/I] jiggle. She wasn't the type to care and it wasn't like any of the male populace were about to argue but they knew better than to touch because even drunk, especially drunk, Michi was deadly. When Akisa walked on campus, Michi saw him. "Ooooi! Akisaaaa!" She was grinning and waving her bottle.