Suki was glad to sit down for a bit, and smiled, sitting down beside Umichi. She looked out over the orange over the beginning sunset. It amazed her that they could program the sun setting so well here, and it made her glad they could still get a chance to see it. She relaxed,, confident in the fact that they would know if there were any monsters about and be able to counter them before they attacked. Besides, she was with Umichi. She felt safe with him, as she always did. She opened up her inventory, taking out the red ribbon she had bought early on in the game, and handing it to Umichi when he asked, saying "I just want it out of my face" She said brightly, shifting so Umichi didn't have to struggle to work with her hair. Like everything in the game, ones hair was completely life like. Suki's hair was always smooth and soft in the game, but she didn't complain when he ran his fingers through it. when he was finished, Suki smiled, and stated that she loved it, before stretching out, watching the sun setting slowly. ---- Timi smiled brightly when Yu let her have some more food. Even n the real world, Timi was just about constantly hungry. She always thought it was due to her growing, but she had nothing to concretely support that theory. She was a fairly energetic girl, so that could contribute to it too. When Yui ordered the bun's, Timi chose one at random, and eagarly began to eat it as they walked towards the blacksmith, swallowing a mouthful of food and smiling as Hna ran towards her farther. it was a feeling of satisfaction, to be able to protect someone, and save them, to return them to a safe place, and it gave Timi a warm feeling. She examined the rewards, hesitating before accepting the throwing knives, putting them away in her inventory, and said "It was no trouble at all, to bring Hina back to you" When everything seemed okay, she said farewell to the blacksmith and the NPC girl. She finished off her bun, licking her lips, and looking about the town. "We should head back to the others, shouldn't we?" She said, stretching, pleased at the job that Sasamaru had done on her gear.