[center] ++BELLARINO++ Bellarino turned his attention away from his stupid protector once Belvedere had gotten rid his own dumb bitch. “He’s checking on that loser, so the prick will be here for a bit longer, at least, so we have more time to steal the damn flower back. Ok, how about one of us distracts him, while the other sneaks ahead and sets a trap near the gold maniac’s room?” the prince suggested quickly, the anger in his voice replaced by absolute confidence, “Nobody gets past our tricks! We’ll definitely get the flower back.” The pranks he and his brother pulled to torment the wizard council were perfect, because they were obviously geniuses, and Belladon would pay for being a nosy bastard. The prince quickly turned to his protector, who was still standing by the door quietly like a useless piece of shit, “You will not ruin our brilliant plan, bitch, so don’t even think about texting Belladon’s trash of a protector.” ++EVELINA++ “I would never dream of it, my prince.” she answered monotonously, seemingly unaffected by Bellarino’s anger. “But because of the dangerous risk, you remember, with your mother’s attack… I will not be allowed to leave Prince Belvedere unattended without his protector, so you must both go together if you leave here,” she informed, internally cursing the newbie protector for leaving her to watch the blond brat without a thought. “However, if Prince Belvedere hurries and joins Prince Belladon, he will be under the protection of Protector Cordelia. Then I will be able to escort you to Prince Bellerophon’s room, if that is what you wish.” Evelina would gladly help them with their idiotic quest for the flower if it meant separating the twins, no matter how little sense the “brilliant plan” made to her. Bellarino was bad enough by himself, but together they were insufferable and there was no way she was going to deal with their bullshit if she had a way to get out of it. She watched as Bellarino eyed her suspiciously and looked like he was actually thinking for once. “Dammit!” he suddenly cursed. The look in his eyes made her think that he was angry over having to lower himself to considering her idea, but she knew that his affection for his brother was stronger than any anger at her. It was very amusing exploiting his weakness for the blond brat. ++SERAPHION++ “I will leave you now to speak to your Cupcakes. I will return once I have finished my own preparations, but you know how to reach me if I am needed before then. Farewell.” he said, bowing his head slightly before exiting the room. The rebel leader passed by the four Cupcakes that Peppa Jack had summoned and gave them a quiet “good luck” as he headed for the exit. ++CHARLOTTE++ Knocking on the door, she and the three other girls entered the room once Peppa Jack gave them permission. “Peppa Jack asked for his Cupcakes?” she asked curiously, wondering what had happened. It was not often that her boss asked them to cancel on such short notice, and Charlotte wondered if this had anything to do with the mess that Jaycee had made with the prince earlier. ++VALENTIANO++ Frowning as his daughter’s sword instructor spoke on the phone, he answered with politeness, “No, she was supposed to be at lessons today as far as I know sir. I will ask my wife if Valalee mentioned any change in her plans. Thank you for letting me know.” Placing his cellphone in his pocket, he went to the living room to look for Valora. But what he saw was Valexander looking like he was about to cry as he sat on the couch with Valhero standing in front of him, arguing over something with Valora. Valentiano cringed as he heard his family fight with one another and just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted. “Speak to me after I have properly shown this disobedient child his place.” Valora lashed out, and of course his son did not respond to this well. “Well if you weren’t such a bitch-”Valhero began to shout, but Valentiano cut in before he could say anything worse. “Valhero, please don’t speak about your mother that way…”he pleaded lowly, not having the heart to raise his voice against his child. And while Valentiano tried to stop the argument between his son and wife, he momentarily forgot about the phone call he received about his daughter. ++TIARO++ The drug lord raised his hand silently, signaling for Ororo to cease hitting the child. With the same hand, a small ball of fire sparked and the flames flickered in his palm for a moment before he sent it to the girl. It lightly brushed against the injury Ororo had dealt her on the cheek, leaving her a minor burn. “Silence.” His demand made no room for argument and Tiaro was prepared to burn her tongue out if she did not understand this only warning. “Listen, little Mancini.” he began, dismissing the fire as he stepped closer to the captured girl. “The only result of you telling me your heritage is that you have given me the names of my next targets.” he explained, his voice calm with an edge of danger. “But if you keep quiet about what you saw today, I will spare your life and your family. Do not mention the drugs. Do not mention me or the woman you saw earlier. Do not mention where you got that little burn on your face. Do not mention anything. And believe me. I will know if you do.” he paused, for his words to sink in. "You have many relatives. Keep quiet and they will be fine. Talk and I will kill as many as I find. Would you really risk your beloved family, all to expose some drug addicted fools? It would be a shame, for you to cause their deaths, because you could not keep a secret. And it would be simple to get to some of you Mancinis. Like Vallix, that kind hearted fool. He welcomes even the worse of scum into his little shop. He invites thieves and criminals to dinner, calling everyone his dear friends.” He chuckled darkly at the mention of the man, silently hoping that this girl kept her mouth shut because it would be an inconvenience to actually have to go through with his threat. “It would be easy for one of those dear friends to be an assassin.” ++ANGELIC++ The remaining wizards who had stayed back after the conclusion of his speech for a chance at seeing Angelic had started to disperse, much to the idol’s relief. The fan who tried to grab his arm had fled after Satanic’s quick act of protection and Angelic felt grateful, but to his confusion the dark haired man apologized. “Um, um, uh…?”he began to stutter as his protector looked more crestfallen than usual. “You…protected me though…d-don’t apologize…” He nervously tried to console Satanic, though the pink haired wizard knew he was an absolute failure at trying to comfort people with words that were not his songs. His confidence went even lower once his protector called himself trash and Angelic silently wished he had notecards for this. “T-trash..? What? But I… Um…um…Well it’s ok! It’s ok if you’re trash!” he blurted out, and he started to feel lame once he realized what he said, “Uh, I mean, you…know that saying? I think it went…one wizard’s trash is…another wizard’s treasure. Er…I meant, I’m that…another wizard. Yeah, to me you…are my treasure.” Angelic was sure his face was red from the embarrassment of how cheesy he sounded, worse than his song lyrics, and prayed that there was nobody close enough to hear him. He hoped he could just blame his blushing on the cold weather. “Ok??? P-please. Don’t think badly of yourself.” he pleaded, hoping he could someday get through to Satanic that he was not worthless, “You, Satanic, will always be my treasure.” [/center]