Hanna walked confidently to her brand new school. She was so excited by the prospect of new friends, new adventures, all sorts of new stuff. She was dressed smartly and clean, yet wore her flight goggles around her neck. "Alright! New school, new town, hell, new country! I bet everyone is really smart and interesting and I've heard Japanese schools are even bigger than the one back at... at....." she stopped in mid thought at she got closer to the school. Graffiti covered the walls with all sorts of profanity, gang symbols, and strange art. As she got closer, her paced slowed and her eyes began to widen. The school looked like it was in a war and once she rounded the gate, she could feel several gazes on her. Various poorly dressed students were scattered around the campus, some crowding around an old grill. Each and every one of them seem to carry some sort of dark look or uncaring stance or dress. "Was zur Hölle....."(What the hell...) she mumbled to herself as she slowly entered campus. Many stared at the strange new girl. She was someone who was obviously out of her element. "Umm....hmm.... this uhh... this can't be right." she thought to herself quickly pulling out her phone, checking the map. "Scheiße.... it is..."