[center]++ BELVEDERE ++ "Excuse me?" Belvedere interjected, offended by the words of his brother's Protector. " You don't think that I can take care of myself? If it wasn't for these stupid laws, Bellarino and I wouldn't even need protectors. We can take care of ourselves." In all honesty, everything he was saying was absolute bullshit -he and Bellarino had to use a lighter to create a flame afterall- but there was no way that he was ever going to admit that. Still, he could see Bellarino thinking it over in his head, and the more time they spent talking about it, the closer their shithead brother got to Bellerophon's room, so he suddenly decided to go along with the plan...Albeit reluctantly. " Alright, alright! Whatever. I'll go distract that prick and gain you some time to set a trap for him." Belvedere shot Evelina one more dirty look before sprinting out the door to follow Belladon down the hall. Who the hell did that bitch think she was anyway? Entering his and Bellarino's private conversation so easily? As if she had the right to do so? She was even getting more annoying than his last Protector had been -what was his name again?? the one with the violin??- Well, whatever. He had hated that guy and Evelina was getting dangerously close to that point. It only took him a few short minutes to catch up to that long haired bastard, which was surprising considering the speed that he had left their room with. Having little to no time to devise a tactic to distract Belladon, he did the first thing that popped in his mind. " Hey!! Brother! Hey brother! Hold on!" He yelled, picking up his pace so that it looked like he had been running when he had only been leisurely jogging before. The tall bastard dutifully stopped and turned around, giving Belvedere the chance to catch up with him finally and he stopped at his side, making sure that Belladon saw him taking deep dramatic breaths. His brother looked at him expectingly and Belvedere could only guess that he was waiting for some bullshit to come spewing out of his mouth. And who was Belvedere to let him down? " Look, about that...It was all Bellarino's idea! It's not like I wanted to do it, but Bellarino is very convincing, I'm sure you know. It's hard to say no to him! You know how it's like to be a twin, you don't wanna let them down." He was lying straight through his teeth but it sounded convincing even to him, but Belladon kept an empty expression as he listened to him ramble on. " I'm the only one that Bellarino feels confident to confide to and I didn't wanna push him away. I knew that burning Bellerophon's flower was bad...But letting down my twin would make me feel even worse." He looked down in shame, but in reality he was just hiding his face incase he busted out laughing from his own exceptional acting skills. If Belladon didn't see his face, maybe he could pass it off as crying? Belladon stayed silent for a while and Belvedere was about to dare to look up when he suddenly felt his eldest brother's arms embrace him and pull him into a tight hug. The blonde had to bite his tongue to stop himself from laughing, or throwing up. His arms remained limp at their sides, but Belladon didn't seem to mind. " I'm so glad you told me this Belvedere." Belladon said sincerely, smoothing down his brother's hair as he talked, " I was about to give up on you two. I thought there was no hope for you! All those evil pranks and tricks you play on others, all the mean things you say...I'm so glad you came to me with this!" Belladon honestly sounded surprised and Belvedere smiled to assure him that what he was saying was true. Belladon released him from the hug and grabbed his arm, pulling him in the direction of Bellerophon's room, " The first thing you can do to fix your behavior is to apologize to Bellerophon personally." As they walked, Belvedere glared at Cordelia from behind Belladon's back. He knew that she wasn't as trusting as Belladon and that she didn't believe him one bit, so he glared at her, daring her to say anything about it. He and his twin knew full well that Belladon's one weakness was his family and they used that to their advantage while the idiot continued to be fooled by them everytime they said something nice to him. They rounded the hallway that would lead them all the way down to Bellerophon's room but Belvedere felt that he needed to give Bellarino more time. He needed to create a bigger distraction. Just as they were passing another hallway, Belvedere caught a glimpse of his next target. In the distance he saw two heads, one with light blue hair and another with golden blonde and he smiled gleefully. Unfortunately, Belladon shared he and Bellarino's dislike for their "brother" and wouldn't be concerned enough to stop if something bad happened to him. But their cousin on the other hand? No, Belladon's concern didn't stop with his immediate family, but extended to Bellona's side as well. Which meant Valis would have to take one for the team this time. The poor fucker. His cousin was too distracted with his ice cream to notice the three of them walking by and Belvedere casted a small spell and sent it his way. It was nothing big -he sucked at magic anyway- but it was enough to trip him up. They passed the hall so Belvedere didn't have the pleasure to see the blonde idiot fall down, but he was content enough to hear his little faggot boyfriend cry out his name in concern. Right on cue, Belladon stopped and backtracked to the hallway they passed to find Valis on his stomach, his ice cream ruined on the floor, and a nasty gash on his forehead from where he fell against one of the hallway decorations. Belladon let go of his arm and went to Valis' side, even pushing Belisario out of the way so he could inspect the cut. Belvedere was left standing by Cordelia and laughed lightly, " Wow, these carpets are so dangerous, aren't they? Anyone can trip on them." He shook his head with a grin. This would give Bellarino a good few minutes to get everything set up. ++ PEPPA JACK++ Peppa bid his farewells to Seraphion before he left, and not long after, his beautiful Cupcakes arrived. He invited them all to sit and offered them some snacks or drinks before he got down to business. Once they were all settled, he told them about the plan that he and Seraphion devised. " Getting Adonis here safely is the most important thing," he said seriously, choosing to refer to Noem by his alias since two of the Cupcakes in the room had worked with him during his time at Candiland, " He's going to be a very wanted man, and the guards and Knights around the city are going to be on high alert. Its your jobs to distract others from noticing him." Peppa was only ever this serious when either one of his Cupcakes were in danger, or his money. His Cupcakes most have noticed how serious this was because they didn't even hesitate before they accepted. " Of course we'll do it Peppa Jack!" Sancha spoke up, " Once a Cupcake, always a Cupcake! We'll never turn away from one in need." A warm smile spread across the pimp's face and he reached into his desk drawers to pull out four stacks of cash. " You know you're all Peppa Jack's best girls. This is your weekly earnings, and Peppa will double it after Adonis is here." He handed each one of them their stack of Belzecash, but stopped before handing Charlotte hers, " You're going to be the leader of this dig, you think you can do that baby girl? Do that for your dear Peppa Jack?" ++ VALALEE ++ Valalee screamed when the drug lord burnt her face, the sting from the flame making her eyes tear up and her knees shake. She almost expected another hit from the mean woman for making so much noise, but thankfully, Tiaro backed away and didn't hurt her again. Her cheek was red and sore but it could have been worse. Much worse. She listened in absolute shock as Tiaro described his malicious intentions toward her family is she spoke a word of this to anyone, and before she could think, she yelled out, " NO!" She couldn't bare the thought of her family getting hurt. Her grandparents. her brothers, her uncles...her parents. They were all so precious to her and she couldn't let anyone of them get hurt because of her. " No, p-please! Please don't hurt them! P-please I won't say anything! I promise!" No drug deal bust or some superior sense of justice was important enough to put her family's lives in danger. If she could, he would take this to her grave and never speak of this incident ever again. " I promise! Just don't hurt th-" She was cut off when something suddenly whizzed by her head, barely catching the sight of Ororo placing a barrier around her and the drug lord so they wouldn't get hurt. Whatever the thing had been was reflected and gracefully landed by Valalee's side. The assailant was tall, wearing a spotless white suit, complete with a strange long hat and a cape, his face obscured by a gas mask and a monocle, with no weapons in his hands other than his balled up fists. Valalee prayed that this guy was her to save her and not end up being an accomplice to the other two. " Resorting to hurting children Tiaro? I would have thought that to be above you, but you get worse everyday, don't you?" She hear the masked man say, which was strange since she shouldn't have heard anything at all thanks to the mask covering his mouth, and yet every single word he said was crisp and clear. ++ SATANIC ++ Satanic was honestly surprised by the idol's words. Never in his short, miserable life had anyone ever said...such nice things to him. If his ghastly appearance didn't scare people off at first, his total lack of personality and positivity certainly did the trick. Satanic had always thought of himself being lower than a used, soggy old teabag and everyone else he had met in his life never did anything other than prove his thoughts right...until he met Angelic. True to his name, the idol was like an angel who brought light into Satanic's damp and dreary world. He knew that he didn't deserve to be his Protector and probably annoyed him more than anything, but if he could, he would have liked to be Angelic's Protector for the rest of his life, even if his popularity were to fade out and his fans all left him. Satanic would still be there by his side, no matter what. A small, rare smile graced Satanic's lips and he ducked his head, trying to hide it from anyone who might see. " Thank you..." He mumbled, a bit embarrassed by everything Angelic said, but no less grateful. But he only allowed himself a moment, just a moment of visible happiness, before his smile disappeared and he went back to being stoic as always. But his tone had noticeably brighter when he softly said, " You speak much better without the notecards...you have alot more confidence than you think..."[/center]