[quote=Kaga] Good luck with that. [/quote] But wait! Vash doesn’t like killing things, so therefore... Unless that was to be taken as he’d stop me from killing the dragon. I guess that just proves how much of an evil dirt-bag I am for assuming that gif was a challenge for who could slay the beast first. Although, if this Dragon was spreading a miasma of death, it could be considered the greater good to kill the dragon, which might prompt Vash to attack it. I’ve never seen what he’s from though, so I wouldn’t be able to accurately determine what he’d do in that scenario. In other news, I finished Kill la Kill today. It was fantastic, I’d highly recommend it, and it’s on Netflix at the moment. [quote=Eviledd1984] You guys still fighting that dragon?Or a different one.Should i just post my guys wandering around? [/quote] At the moment, no. There were three dragons on three different paths, but they've either been killed or dealt with peacefully. Everyone is either at the crossroads where all the paths meet, or getting to that point. If you want to get there and not have to deal with monsters, I'd recommend going up the mountain path.