[b]Matsura Tsuji[/b] The apartment was shrouded in darkness. Heavy blinds blocked the midday sunlight. Light switches hid among the bare, black walls. Long since forgotten, layers of dust covered their plastic frames. Only the dim lights from various monitors illuminated the vast space. In the center, Matsura sat upon a black, leather couch. His laptop sat on the coffe table before him. An arrangement of candies, cake slices, and plates of cookies covered any remaining spaces on the table. Matsura brushed his index finger along the mouse pad and closed his current web page. He glanced down at the clock displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen. [i]11:35 am[/i]. Matsura sighed and reached for his smart phone, which laid by his left side. He sent out a text to his clan members instructing them to come to his place. He needed to go over the details involving their next plan. Shizu was still fast asleep next to him. Her face was warm against his lap. Matsura had always been baffled by that girl’s tendency to sleep in so late. She had been asleep by his side for nearly twelve hours now. He, on the other hand, had only received at most two hours of shuteye during the past night. This didn’t worry him in the least. His body had gotten use to his sleeping pattern, or lack of there of, years ago. “Wake up,” he whispered, giving her a small nudge on the shoulder. She responded with a moan and readjusted her position on his left leg. Matsura was not surprised by her actions at all. She was, and always has been, quite the stubborn child. All she needed was a little push, and then she would be on her feet in no time. Rubbing his eyes, he rose from his seat on the couch. Perhaps he could get started on breakfast, though it was a little late for that. No matter. Red velvet cake was good at any time. Matsura crossed the litter wood floor to the kitchen. The pastry was nestled on the bottom shelve of the fridge amongst a clutter of other sweets. He brought in out a laid in upon the kitchen counter. Bon appetite. ------ [b]Shizu Sen[/b] Shizu was awoken suddenly as her head fell upon the couch cushion. She slowly brought herself into a sitting position and adjusted her crumpled, baby blue camisole. Her eyes meet the screen of Matusra’s laptop. Was it morning already? Glancing to the back end of the room, she could see that Matsura was already shoveling down a slice of cake. [i]That guy and his cake[/i], she thought blissfully. Teiru was curled up on the arm of the couch. Once he felt his master moving, he jolted awake and scurried to her lap. He was immediately greeted with an affectionate pat. Shizu took the weasel up into her arms and met Matsura in the kitchen. She looked down upon the red and white cake in disgust. Perhaps there was a couple of eggs she could fry up in the fridge. If not, she would probably need to run by the corner store and grab something filling. Shizu scratched the back of her head and proceeded to the fridge.