Animals of all kinds were gathering to meet their future queen. As they did so, they would soon see Asante standing atop Pride Rock. He seemed strong and proud. This was the best moment for him. The presentation of his newborn cub. He walked over to where his mate was laying. Fakira smiled at her mate then looked down at her paws which held a little grey bundle between them. The old and wise baboon, Rafiki(npc) walked over to the cub and dipped his thump in some sort of juice and wiped it on the cub's forehead. He then gathered some dust and sprinkled it over the cub. The dust made Alegra sneeze. Rafiki picked up the cub and walked towards Pride Rock. Once he reached the point, he raised Alegra up for all to view. Alegra looked down at the crowd, not sure what they were doing, but she smiled nonetheless. ((Traditional ceremony))