[b]Saber[/b] ... People were looking at her... attempting to shrug it off, Saber did her best to focus on what the adorable-No, no... informative cat person was saying to her. So, this beast was weak against other dragons? For a few moments, the King of Knights wondered if this meant she would be able to harm it more seriously given the origin of her own abilities. Her Mana Core, the Prana of a Dragon... perhaps this would assist her in doing harm to the creature? No matter if it were true or not, she would fight her hardest to bring the monster down. The note of heat was attainable for the others in the group as well... They would slay this monster. And then suddenly the red-headed martial artist was there! ... and... rubbing up against her legs... and... purring like a cat... and... and... Saber went rigid, her arms awkwardly out as she stared down at the strange sight, cheeks coloring in embarrassment. "... Ah... what..." ---- [b]Jakuzure Nonon[/b] Oh wow, was that [i]rich[/i]. That was completely hilarious! Nonon's plan had worked like a charm, the raptor things were in total disarray. The pink-haired girl couldn't help but laugh at the sight of them stumbling about, the biggest one smacking into things. Sticking her tongue out, the girl cheerfully waved before turning around and flying off. Her mood soured slightly when she saw that those who had been with her had just ran off. Seriously? They were idiots, but sticking together in a group was probably the best idea... It was hard to get too upset after seeing something so funny, though. ... Oh, there was commotion up ahead. That meant there was probably idiots there. Nonon's flight speed increased as she headed for what she assumed was the others.