Jak watched as they passed around the paper and looked at it. As she read the profane -and frankly insulting- language, Jak shuddered at the idea that someone could be so vile and repulsive naturally. [i]You're lucky he didn't go after Mom... I don't think she'd make it... the kidnapping might be too much for her after all that happened? Do you think you can protect her?[/i] The questions weighed heavily on her mind, so much so that she nearly missed the hologram display of Micheal. Or Vincente apparently. She didn't think he could be a bad guy, but look where she was now. She passed on the paper, crossing her arms and leaning over the table. Who was to say that Naoto wasn't secretly like Vincente? Who was to say if she'd thrown in her lot with the wrong crowd or not? Jak could practically hear her mother now, [i]if only Dad could see you now, hanging out with wanted criminals and mafioso, preparing to take down an assassin. Then again, who's fault is it that he's not around anymore?[/i] The thought made her sick to her stomach. Then Sonya mentioned withdrawing from the mafia. Jak started to move her arms to run away from the table, to grow old and support her mother like she planned. Then she wondered what Naoto would think. As she looked at Naoto, she realized that he'd trusted her somewhat during the practice sparring. He thought that she could do something worthwhile. [i]"When you join something, it's bigger than yourself. You have to devote yourself wholeheartedly or not at all. No back and forth, Jak. Plant yourself in the middle of the storm and ride it out, no matter what. If it's important, then you'll be happier for it."[/i] "This is insane." Jak answered the memory quietly. "We can't fight an assassin in a week. I don't...," she paused, sniffling, "I don't wanna die... I can't leave Mom..." ---- Artemis was passed the note, and after a quick read, she slammed it down and yelled, "this guy put a gun to my head and insulted me to boot. I was right about the assassin! Yer all idiots for not listenin' to me earlier!" if there was anything Artemis liked more than computers, it was being right. And she was right about the assassin and the mafia going after her and... she quietly realized that she'd pissed off someone this connected and powerful. There was no happy coincidence when he showed up in her hotel room. He was honestly going to kill her. "Fuck, I nearly gave him your address, Naoto...," Artemis realized quietly. Just as quickly as she'd realized this, she stood and moved the chair out of her way. "May the lamb of God stir his hoof through the roof of heaven and kick this Vincente in the arse down to hell!" she cursed. Then she turned to the group and spoke again, hoping they could at least understand her meaning if not the words. "He needs a proper thrashing, and I think you guys can do it. He's just an arse who's full of hot air." She didn't show that her nails were digging into her palm as she said inspirational words. If they failed she was as good as dead. He swore the next time she saw him she'd be dead, and without the Vongola, she was done for. She was putting all the chips in, whether or not she liked it. She had to hope for the best, but she could shake the worst possible conclusion.