I actually dislike using stealth myself. I find stealth to be difficult to portray when roleplaying. I'm not saying it isn't a good thing-- quite the opposite, I more just go with creating a story and plugging in what makes sense for the character. I'm very much so story-oriented over combat. But this is just me, and I can see your reasoning. Rogues do have certain advantages-- but I'm in favor that even the most skilled of rogues can never outdo the most dedicated of warriors in combat, or the most learned of mages in spell-use, but offers a charming and charismatic middle ground, and is capable of supplying both humor and darkness when necessary. I see things more story-oriented than game-y xD -- Oi, Grappling's a bitch to deal with in roleplays! Two people have different mental images-- and suddenly nobody knows what's going on xD I love it! the confusion is great.