It was so hard for him to see her like this. Justin didn't need to be the best healer to see that Phoebe wasn't right in the mind - not psychologically speaking anyways. What puzzled him was her reluctance to storm away even when he told her what he had become involved with. With the years between them, he had given up on settling with a half blood and looked only to those of the purest lineage. He dared not tell her though. If he spoke of the pressure he received from home - particularly from his dad - or his families closets friends, she'd probably only see it as an excuse. Things were never one dimensional. Life didn't work like that. It enjoyed adding its twists and turns, and people went along for the ride, collateral damage. "Where's your home," he said hesitantly. "I'll apparate you there and be off. I don't know what you took, but with a night's sleep, you'll be thinking clearer in the morning." He stopped right at the beginning of his next sentence as his chest felt heavier. He couldn't breathe. Something invisible was pressing upon his chest, which he couldn't ignore. Retracting his hand away, he clenched his teeth as he reached into his robes. The letter was burning yet there was no fire. It was something invisible, a hidden unseen force. He didn't understand. Justin made no magical agreements. Getting to his feet, sweat beaded on his forehead. "I'll be right back," he said quickly as he made his way to the restrooms. He quickly disappeared into the men's room as he gasped. The sensation was too much. He quickly gripped the letter as the black dragon burned in dark flames. He opened it and read the contents: [i]Welcome to the Circle, brother. You have been tested and found worthy. With Brother Bently's endorsement, I extend and invitation to you. To join a family closer than any other. In two days from tonight at the eleventh hour, go to the location marked on the map within the letter. It has been locked to you; your eyes shall be the only viewer. When you come across the stone guardian, respond with the words 'purity, stone one." Your brother and sisters look forward to meeting you, Justin. Do not be late.[/i] The pressure left as quickly as it came as Justin took in long drafts of air. He was terrified yet excited. Composing himself, he left the restroom as he made his way back to Phoebe. He stood to the side. He wanted nothing more than to sleep. "Are you able? We'll go when you're ready."