Morgan nodded as she walked through the Quick n' Go's isles. Hitting the police station wasn't a bad ideas whatsoever. However, she wasn't sure how much would remain. Guns were precious tools that anyone procured no matter where it came from. Homeland Guard barracks and police station were no doubt the first things to go. That's what the Brigade did anyways. Though they were officially military, they acted like a bunch of looters. it was the only way to stay alive these days. One had to do things that one wouldn't be proud of. "So what were you doing before the aliens invaded?" That was an interesting question. What did Morgan do before she popped a hole into the first skitter she saw? "I was public affairs person for the British government," she said as she pocketed a few can of beans. She spotted a cream of mushroom. She wanted to sneak that for herself, but she'd have to hand it over. "You know? One of those dafts you'd see speaking on behalf of parliament and everything. I worked in the background, so folks would never've seen me." Morgan ceased communication as she noticed Erika stiffen. She listened as well. The footsteps, they belonged to Skitters. Putting her bag down slowly, she drew her pistol and crouched behind a shelf. She hoped the alien would pass. They didn't need a firefight. Not now since they were scouts. If a mech found them, they'd be done. She fought to control her emotions, but she couldn't block out her heartbeat. It filled her ears as her eyes focused on the sound of the footsteps. She flicked off the safety and chambered a round. Just in case she thought to herself.