Scenario #1[center]Malakaus Ralthavar Marchosias[/center] --- When the first zombie came out of the fog, it ate a load of buckshot. Well, it tried anyways. Hard to eat anything when you're missing half your head. Malakaus blasted one of the zombies just a few yards away from him with a blast from his blunderbuss, relying on it's spread to hit anything in this dense fog. He wondered if anyone had any means to clear the fog out. There was a groan behind him and Malakaus spun around with great force, swinging his blunderbuss at the direction of the noise. Lucky for him it was another undead, and his blunderbuss was able to crack it's skull with a strike from it's barrel. Once he ran out of ammo, Malakaus's gun could still function as a mean club. But he still had one barrel full of shot left and he was going to save it for when he needed it. He spotted Stren and Delilah getting back-to-back to cover their defenses when the undead started to come around. malakaus was thinking of doing the same when he noticed that some of the more nameless crew members were starting to panic. It wouldn't do them any good if they all died, so Malakaus did his best to rally them together, shouting over the screaming. [b]"Keep your heads together men! Back-to-back, don't try to fight them all yourself! Get over here!"[/b] Malakaus managed to get two other gunmen with him and told them to watch his back and keep him informed of any zombies they see. Soon about four converged onto the trio but Malakaus was ready for them. [b]"Center of mass men, aim for the center of mass!"[/b] Malakaus knew that if they tried to aim for the head they would miss; the head was a small target, an he couldn't rely on them to have a steady aim while they were panicking. But by giving them some commands there was some order. The main fired at the zombie's center mass, a few of the shots heading high enough just to hit the head. As more zombies showed up malakaus comtinued to shout orders, and soon the men managed to get a circle of corpses sounding them full of bullets. By now Malakaus had to take out his axe as he didn't have time to load his blunderbuss again, but it served well as the other two men were more than able to keep firing. [b]"One at a time boys, you keep them down and rotate!"[/b] After each man would shoot a zombie, causing the undead to stop due to the force of the bullet, Malakaus would quickly lash out and slash their heads with his axe. he was careful not to bury his blade into their skulls; last thing he wanted was to get it stuck. Eventually Malakaus managed to get his three men towards Delilah and Stren. They were a bit shaken, but alive. Malakaus had a bit of gore on him due to going into melee with the undead. [b]"Stren this is Malakaus, I got two other men with me as well. Mind if we join your circle?"[/b]