[quote=Marik] But wait! Vash doesn’t like killing things, so therefore... Unless that was to be taken as he’d stop me from killing the dragon. I guess that just proves how much of an evil dirt-bag I am for assuming that gif was a challenge for who could slay the beast first. Although, if this Dragon was spreading a miasma of death, it could be considered the greater good to kill the dragon, which might prompt Vash to attack it. I’ve never seen what he’s from though, so I wouldn’t be able to accurately determine what he’d do in that scenario. [/quote] In his canon, Vash has saved the lives of men he knew to be murderers. Multiple times. As far as he's concerned, there is never, [i]ever[/i] any acceptable excuse to kill another person. Not even "for the greater good", regardless of how obvious of a choice that "greater good" is. Even if the death of one person/entity would clearly save countless other lives, he still wouldn't condone killing that one person because, as he puts it, "no one has the right to take the life of another". And that belief is absolutely, completely inflexible. ...And that's part of the reason why he's so much fun to have around, especially in this setting. :hehe [quote=Flamelord] Well, Sorin took over the dragon that attacked him, and it's now serving us instead. Wonder how Vash will react to that. [/quote] That's... actually a good question. o.o I mean it's not exactly something he's come across super often but I'm sure he'd feel at least a little bit uneasy about it, at least. [quote=Dead Cruiser] I moreso wonder how he'll react to Sorin's body count of 70,000.Incidentally, this week's Uncharted Realms featured Sorin. It seems I've been lowballing both his age and sheer lethality. He quite casually turned two men into mummy-vampires with a snap of his fingers, and can apparently mind-control someone with a glance. [/quote] [quote=Flamelord] Yawn. I wonder how he'll react to Ba'al's conservative body count of over 60 million people :pShit happens when you're an egotistical, cliche evil, megalomaniacal bastard. [/quote] [quote=Psyga315] I'm starting to wonder what the reactions for everyone will be... [/quote] Yeeeaaaaah it's a really good thing Vash doesn't know much about all these guys. I mean, if he were to learn all this at once, I think he'd be too overwhelmed to process all his sheer disapproval. :lol Although, [quote]and can apparently mind-control someone with a glance.[/quote] This... sounds strikingly similar to one of the antagonists from Trigun. Which could get interesting... o.o I'm gonna have to go back and more closely read those dragon-possession bits to see how similar their styles are. [quote=Grey Star] Also cannot wait for you guys to encounter the dragon, it'll be a doozy. [/quote] While we're on the subject: I'm gonna be honest, I don't think Vash is gonna have any chance at saving that dragon's life. But dang, that's not gonna stop him from trying his absolute hardest. And it will certainly be an amusing road up until that point.