Kyla sighed as she slowly let go of Edward and took a step back, her head hanging as she gave a small nod when he suggested that they start heading back to his home, not knowing what else she was able to say to him Kyla was rather surprised that he did lash out at her, she would have expected it from a dragon to attack those who hurt them so. As they trudged through the forest Kyla shot a glare to the tree that surrounded them, if it wasn't for them she would have escaped from Edward and would have been spared this whole ordeal, she did't want to hurt Edward but she still felt that she shouldn't stay in one place for to long, and she had already stayed with them for far to long. Why was she even mad at the trees though? She didn't know why since the trees were always right, and because she didn't even know why she could understand them but she could, and it was annoying. Once they cleared the forest and reentered the estates grounds Kyla quickened her pace so that she could get inside away from Edward, not because she didn't want to be around him, but to hide her shameful, guilty and embarrassed face as she thought that he wouldn't be able to look at her the same again after this, and she wouldn't blame him or expect any sort of forgiveness. Once inside Kyla silently moved off to her given room and closed the door behind her, where she then proceeded to strip off her borrowed clothing and put back on her old street clothes, and even with the patch job on all the wear and tear they still made her look like a scruffy street kid. Discarding all her borrowed clothing into the corner of the room and then falling back onto the bed she let out a loud frustrated groan, placing a hand over her face as she tried to forget all that had just happened, At least Will wouldn't know any of this though so that was something good.