"Might not like the heat, eh..." Sazh mumbled, mostly to himself. Perhaps his l'Cie affinity to fire was not as misplaced here as he had originally imagined, what with the lava-spewing monster they had just fled from not 3 minutes earlier. Maybe it was influenced by Sazh's original interpretation of dragons, whom didn't have any too-discernible weaknesses; that still held true to some degree here, but Sazh had to remind himself that his personal logic had to be left aside, given the current circumstances. The point was, this legendary dragon they were hunting was definitely weak to other dragons, and possibly weak against heat. And if was just at the top of the range here, then it was just a matter of making sure they could get to it. The l'Cie was confident enough that the rest of this crew was capable enough to handle it, from what he had seen up to this point. So as far as he was concerned, he was about as ready as he could be; Sazh just had to make sure everyone else was ready, too. "Welp," Sazh called out a bit, referencing the group, "Let's get an idea of what we've all got. Either stuff to help slay the dragon, or stuff to help the people slaying the dragon." A vague categorization, sure, but they could get the idea. Just from looking, Sazh figured that perhaps both Archer and Saber had one or two tricks that would be useful on the frontline, maybe even some direct dragon-slaying weapons, in Archer's case. Whitney, currently in the midst of bawling her eyes out... well, he hated to put it so bluntly, but there really wasn't a lot she could do, the poor girl. That odd kid with the transforming armor had flying abilities, definitely a boon, but it might be hard to take advantage of if Nonon came back. Vash... Sazh hadn't seem much of Vash, so he couldn't vouch for what he could do, but surely he had at least some means for fire or explosions, given his use of firearms; the issue came that he didn't seem willing to fight, and seemed to be especially against actually killing anything. And then that one gender-shifting martial artist came bounding out of nowhere and starting being a cat. So much for this being a serious situation. "Okay, [i]what[/i]?"