Karina groaned and grabbed at her side. Because her shirt was practically bisected, her hand felt it's way onto her bare skin.....and into a shrapnel wound. The guard bit her lip to stop from screaming. So that's why she had trouble running. Shards of metal will do that to you. Like an ex. "Jesus!" Someone exclaimed. The suddenness and volume made Karina blink in surprise. Not one to waste time, the slightly older man had the girl on her feet quicker than she could say, "Wait wait, there's metal in my side." She groaned again and struggled to hold her shirt to the freshly opened wound(s). Then, another voice. A surprised one, but one she recognised. She blinked to clear her head and tried to focus on his face. "A-Aiden?" Karina managed out, her voice hoarse from disuse. She coughed and a few flecks of blood covered the wall. That explosion really did a number on her. Suddenly, well at least it was sudden to Karina, the older man spoke again, "Welcome to the party miss. I think we were just about to make plans to leave." She closed her eyes and managed a short laugh. "I...I think I'm going to need help if I'm to get more than five feet." With her eyes closed, she could hear her own breathing more clearly. It was ragged. She felt ragged. This day felt ragged. Karina sucked in a breath of air, it tasted stale, but she couldn't tell if that was her or the air.