(reposting CS here just for the sake of consolidation) Name: Kaesicius "Kaesey" Kay (Kay-sis-e-us: from the Latin word 'Caesicius', which means sky-blue) Race: Human Age: 16 Gender: Female [center][URL=http://s904.photobucket.com/user/LupusIntus/media/Roleplayer%20Guild/tumblr_kweum2RqLi1qahug5o1_500_zpsc32db6c0.jpg.html][IMG]http://i904.photobucket.com/albums/ac245/LupusIntus/Roleplayer%20Guild/tumblr_kweum2RqLi1qahug5o1_500_zpsc32db6c0.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] Bio: KK comes from a long line of hunters starting with her great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather many generations before. Her mother died on a hunter mission when she was very young and she has only the barest of memories of her, though she has seen many pictures and her father, Kallainus Kay, insists she was a dedicated and powerful woman with an aura of command that few had ever seen. Her loss weighs heavily on him to this day and since her passing the man's personality has become more and more off putting and eccentric: intently devoted to developing new hunting inventions, typically of an explosive nature. This mind-consuming fervor made it very difficult for KK growing up as he had little time to give to being a father (a job he never truly understood), though he loved her as best he could and often let her watch, or even participate, in his work. These aspirations were eventually passed to his daughter and even at a young age KK was noted to frequently blow up Grimm dolls using cherry-bombs and other improvised explosives as she stroke ever onward for her father's attention. Though relatively unknown in wider circles, he was rather infamous as a hunter for his crazy schemes and destructive fighting style which typically left a lot of collateral property damage. He taught his daughter everything she knows, from Grimm hunting to flail fighting to bomb making, and while it helped her to hone her fighting abilities it left her socially crippled, a pariah and bullying target all through her schooling. She attended Signal Academy and did moderately well in her classes, even crafting Breakr as her weapon making requirement, but was always a loner on the fringes of school life. When she finally graduated she was invited to apply to Beacon Academy which took an interest because of her impressive fighting demonstrations and her lineage and she quickly took up the opportunity for the hope of finding a new start and a way to finally make some friends. Semblance: Burst – With intense focus KK can charge her aura, drawing the energy in her environment into a concentrated force centered around her person, generating a slightly stronger force-field during the act, before releasing it all in a concussive shockwave. This explosion is often enough to send enemies and allies alike tumbling away, leaving them stunned and disoriented for a few moments Weapon: Breakr – a self-constructed morph weapon that can alternate between a [url=http://i904.photobucket.com/albums/ac245/LupusIntus/Roleplayer%20Guild/Flail__________of_doom_by_Raverunner_zps06488c22.jpg]chained flail[/url] and a [url=http://s904.photobucket.com/user/LupusIntus/media/Roleplayer%20Guild/GDF_Rocket_Launcher_by_Seargent_Demolisher_zpsdf1918dd.jpg.html]rocket launcher[/url]. The flail head is long, baring eight retractable hooked spikes, and is quite large, comically so for its petite wielder. Its chain is extendable from the grip allowing for greatly varying attacks and, in the hands of a skilled wielder, can be used to rappel or swing from certain objects. Inside the flail head are eight dust-canisters that can be triggered to explode on contact, giving the weapon a significant ‘punch’ if the situation requires it. The canisters are all contained in a round ‘clip’ that fits just over the flail head’s end spike and that can be easily swapped to ‘reload’. In missile launcher form, the weapon actually fires out the explosive flail head still attached to the chain, allowing the wielder to slightly manipulate the direction of the rocket. All eight dust-canisters explode on contact at once, creating a much larger blast radius than when in flail form, and the flail head and chain are then drawn back into the launcher for a reload. Strengths: Weapon - it is a well designed and effective tool of destruction and is always well maintained. The extendable chain and flail hooks allow for great utility when moving about the battlefield. Skill - the nature of KK's weapon requires an incredible amount of training and coordination to use lest one risk bashing their own face with the flail head. She is likely the only person alive who can wield it semi-effectively (mistakes DO happen); her hand-to-eye coordination and agility are well above average. Weaknesses: One-Trick-Pony - at this point, KK can really only do one thing on the battlefield: smack the enemy in the face and blow them up. Against an enemy that is resistant to these means of attack, she will find herself in a huge heap of trouble. Socially Inept - while friendly and cheerful, no one would doubt that KK is [i]weird[/i]. Anyone who doesn't have the patience for her quirks will find her incredibly annoying and bothersome. Furthermore, she is terrible at 'reading the room' and will often say things without thinking at painfully inappropriate times. She does not know how to open up and develop real honest friendships with those around her. [hider=Extended CS] --Kaesicius Kay-- [i]"Why are fireworks only ever used to celebrate? EVERY situation calls for a 'BOOM'!"[/i] --Standing a not-so-daunting 5’2” and weighing in at 118lbs, her build is light with long, wispy limbs and smooth, pale skin. Her face is round with childlike features: soft cheekbones, a girlish chin, and large round eyes that are an icy sky-blue. Her hair is a sandy blonde and falls nearly to the small of her back when pulled back in its typical braided ponytail. She often wears a light, breezy skirts over tights and boots.-- [Aliases-] KK, Kaesey, Kay [Age-] 16 [Ethnicity-] The Kingdom of Vale [Sexuality-] Heterosexual ________________________________________ [Fighting style-] With the use of Breakr, KK’s way of fighting typically involves a lot of hitting things and explosions and sometimes even hitting things WITH explosions. In flail form, she tends to use the extendable chain to keep enemies off balance by striking both high and low in a series of rotations. These blows are augmented with the use of the explosive dust canisters that not only allow the weapon to pack a greater punch but that can also be used to both direct the flail head as it swings or even reverse its spin. If the field of battle allows, KK will deploy the flail’s hooks and use the weapon to grapple enemies and objects in order to move quickly between them. KK will also frequently switch the weapon into missile launcher form and use it as God intended: launching rocket-propelled death at large clusters of enemies and even sometimes at a single bothersome one. Because the ‘rocket’ isn’t actually destroyed in the explosion, which is caused by the simultaneous detonation of the dust canisters contained within, even in launcher form the weapon can be used as a sort of long distance grappling hook or even as a larger bodied flail. [General Stats-] Using a 1-10 scale: 1 being a child and 10 being better than an Olympic athlete. • Strength – 5: She has enough strength to wield Breakr but not to do much else. • Agility – 8: She has incredibly good reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination, which is needed to successfully use BRIK-Breaker. • Intelligence – 3: Outwardly she has the mental capacity of a small child and inwardly that idea isn’t far off. • Wisdom – 2: Her obsession with ‘explodin’ things’ typically leads to a lot of poor choices. • Constitution – 6: She is hardy enough to withstand most of her own explosions and to take more than a few punches. • Charisma – 6: Despite her child-like tendencies, she is actually quite persuasive if only for her cuteness factor and ‘pouty face’. • Perception – 7: Due to the chaotic factor of wielding Breakr she must be incredibly perceptive to manage the spinning flail head in battle. • Movement Speed – 8: With her small squirrelly build she is very quick on her feet, even when Breakr is in missile launcher form, and is able to maneuver around the battlefield with surprising ease. [Worldly Skills-] What kinds of skills have they picked up in their day-to-day life? • Firework Construction: She can mix household ingredients to create improvised fireworks (and bigger explosives) which leads to her near endless supply of bottle-rockets. • Fan Fiction Writing: She loves to ship friends and idols with all kinds of people and Fauna. • Singing: Though it often grates on the nerves of those around her to hear the same song, or even the same PART of a song, one hundred and fifty times in an hour, she actually has a pretty good voice. • Detective Work: She is surprisingly good at gathering information on others, especially related to who they like or dislike, and will often stalk others to get inspiration for her ‘fan fiction’. ________________________________________ [Personality-] KK is extremely bubbly and ridiculous, often being the first to crack a joke or laugh at an enemy. She seems to be permanently optimistic and cheerful, regardless of the current circumstances, and will always attempt to defuse a tense situation with humor. She loves to cause mischief with her friends and it is not unheard of to find her not-so-subtly trying to get people together on surprise ‘dates’. Though generally likable, she can quickly get on the nerves of those with less tolerance for silly things because she rarely appears serious. Despite this outward image, those who actually manage to get KK to open up might find her a scarred and frightened little girl desperate for true friendship. Even at an early age she was constantly being ostracized and bullied for her strange personality and for the reputation of her father and as a defense mechanism her outlandish traits became more and more defined. She wishes more than anything to have friends who understand and care about her despite her peculiarities but seems to have no clue of where to find them. ________________________________________ [Weapons/Armor-] • Breakr • Carbon-Fiber Breastplate – Very light but durable. • Light, breezy skirts over dark tights. • Heavy Leather Gloves • Heavy Leather Knee-High Boots • Bomb Maker’s Cloak – Despite feeling like thick silk cloth the cloak is actually a complex synthetic fiber that is very strong and can resist concussive forces from direct explosions. [Items - Consumable and Misc-] • Fireworks • Candy Suckers • Romance Comics • Notepad and Pen • Bomb Making Kit [/hider]