Lior... also char sheet [i]I will not Fall Victim to you again White fang I will not be your servant... oh no. I will be your destroyer[/i] [img][/img] Name: Lupus argentum (wolf Silver in english) Race: Wolf Faunus (the traits are not apparent that easy He has Elongated Canines and Whisker markings on his face which are the subtle parts but underneath his hat and bandanna are a pair of Wolf Ears. he also has a improved sense of smell) Age: 16 Gender: Male Bio: "Lupus Can you get The Dust from the store Your Father needs it for one of his Weapons" "Drax?" "yea that's the one Run along now before the store closes"... That was the last conversation, Lupus ever had with his mother Before The White Fang slaughtered both his parents due to their knowledge of the operations, prior to their desertion from the organisation. he was 11 years old... [b]And he swore revenge![/b] He managed to get enough money from around vale doing dead end work to get into Signal. and that's where another big problem arose. He was a faunus and well, he knew that the kids their would ridicule him. so for 5 years and counting he wore a bandanna and a hat, so the kids treated him normally. except one group of Faunus kids Who bullied him day after day Tormenting him. Taking his stuff destroying the plans for his original weapon which was almost identical to his fathers. so he Built Gemini. from scratch no plans. no nothing. he just built it after that his work in class's increased he was getting good grades and test scores. but he was still scarred from the bullying so he had little to no friends, which didn't help much with his social side. at 16 years of age he graduate along side other students. and was invited to apply for beacon He initially thought of declining not wanting to go through that bullying again. but decided to join so he could further his skills to take down the white fang. he passed the entrance exams and was invited to join because of his Determination and Fighting skills... He is still trying to battle to the top... Weapon: [hider=Gemini][img][/img] Hand Forged By Lupus at Signal to be as Aggressive as his fighting style. The sword is capable of splitting from a single Sword to 2 equally capable swords. he uses them to be offensive. never letting the opponent rest, the swords are both made of Steel. and held together by magnetism and a small amount of black thread. Each sword has a small hole in the hand guard where he can put dust Vials to make explosions on impact. the dual wielding part of theses swords have earned them a few nicknames [i]Gemini[/i] is the most notorious[/hider] Semblance: [hider=Velocity] he can control the speed and direction of object. Such he could push things away from him or draw them closer he can also use it to Jump higher by using it on himself and cancel his fall. however he must concentrate because if he gets distracted and loses sight of said object he cannot manipulate it so smoke screens or distractions are a way to beat his semblance plus he can't use it repeatedly due to the strain it causes him. if he uses said semblance in combat. he will require a lot of rest after the fight so he uses it sparingly only when its absolutely necessary sort of as a last resort. The larger the object the more strain it causes him [/hider] Strength/Weakness: [b]Strength's[/b]. Skill: He has quite good skill with double handed sword wielding. able to parry and block and fight. but his true capability are reserved for dual wielding. while he has a sword in each hand his skill almost doubles he can perform stronger strikes and more complicated maneuvers. and has a easier time blocking. the problem is though is it takes a short while for him to split the sword and put it back together... Knowledge: In Combat. hes capable of analyzing The opponent While fighting them making counters and Strategy's. however he might not always have the ability to perform said counters. and sometimes he doesn't share the knowledge he learned with others because of his distrust of other people... [b]Weakness[/b] Aura (silver in color) : His Aura is Weaker then most So he is forced to parry most Shots or dodge Its because of his weak aura That he prefers to end Fights as quickly as possible. As per his Berserker Fashion Which is no Defense and all out assault. so people with sneak attacks or [i]ability's that restrict movement[/i] will have the upper hand easily Social: because of the Bully's of his dreaded youth he shut himself away from the world. becoming "slightly" Socially awkward. and not really knowing what a person is feeling so he can be harsh with his words themesong: [youtube]DRefk0BdZq4[/youtube]