Just gonna move Mr. Hio here. He's been planned to be a member of team RMPG. N'ways, about to go to school. Should be done with this CS later today. Bio is gonna be relatively short, since I intend for most the juicy stuff to be in the personality. [img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/65245495/large.jpg[/img] [b]5'9"[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Gen Hio [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Bio:[/b] The Hio family is renowned for its elite generations of hunters and huntresses, mostly known for their cunning strength and physical excelling in the battlefield for humanity. Even the moment Gen left his mother's womb, his parents could already tell he was not destined to be a part of this lot. Being the only weak child in the family, he was exempted from most meetings or private meetings, making his life a solemn and lonely existence. Though the boy showed some promise when it came to combat at a range, the Hio fighters were mostly composed of melee users, making him the odd one out yet again. With his family constantly dampening his mood, he found it troubling to make friends with others. They recognized the house he belonged to and made sure not to get close to him by any standards, as they were mostly envious of his economic prosperity. It wasn't long until the boy resorted to non-living companions to keep him company, he ended up requesting that his mother purchase him a few stuffed animals. The woman barely thought anything of it and willingly bought him the pseudo-animals; a wolf, a bunny and a lion. Gen was thankful to such an extent that it could be considered pitiful. The boy attributed each plush toy with its own personality and moved them with his semblance, as if they were actual living beings, real friends. Even throughout his time in Signal, he still kept the toys safely in his room. Somewhere along the line, his mind mentally portrayed the animals as more than just a toy. They soon manifested themselves as almost identical copies of himself, which only he could converse with. They were all capable of taking over the controls of his body, but they completely devoted themselves to Gen's decisions. At some point they began to dub him [i]Compassion[/i], due to the way he acted around them, and how considerate he was of their own personal opinions. The two secondary personas, [i]Aggressor[/i] and [i]Exuberance[/i], are constantly out of their plushie exoskeletons, as they have the tendency to follow Gen in their human states. Gen is about to start his first year at Beacon Academy, which he hopes to be a viable part of a team. [b]Personalit[s]y[/s](ies):[/b] Personas which inherited the traits of his old stuffed animals. Though all four of them have taken the reins of Gen’s body at some point, only the two primary personalities are given the most showtime. The other remaining pair of mindsets are metaphysically present in Gen’s eyes, though he is obviously the only one who can see them. They differ from each other on massive spectrums, yet those who are in a passive state act as consultants for the one who is operating the body. Gen’s original personality, dubbed [i]Compassion[/i] by the others, is the one people see the most whenever he is not in combat. Whilst in the heat of battle, the persona called [i]Tactician[/i] takes over and makes sure to get the body out of danger in one piece. The two other secondary personalities are always present and appear before Gen as carbon copies of himself, the only exception being their different forms of communication. But unlike the secondary personalities who can be dismissed at a given whim, only one primary persona can be mentally present at a time. For example, if [i]Compassion[/i] is working the controls, [i]Tactician[/i] completely vanishes from his conscious and only reappears when the proper trigger is present. When this occurs, abiding by the rules of personas, [i]Compassion[/i] would disappear entirely until combat has ceased. [*][b][i]Primary Personality #1 - Compassion:[/i][/b] One of the two primary personalities, Gen’s true and original emotions are expressed by this persona. Being the mindset he was born with, the personality is expressed the most amongst all four. In this state of mind, Gen appears to those around him as a kind and understanding individual, always displaying a helpful appearance to those in need of assistance. He is very observant and can depict the feelings of others, then produce the proper response to satisfy them. Even if he fully aware that he is in the right, he will easily bend to other people's whims. Gen has a respect for all forms of life, even for the very monsters which have forced many races on the verge of extinction. Of course, this code of a lifestyle would inhibit his combat effectiveness, which is why such a personality is completely ripped from the steering wheel once he has entered combat of any sort.[/*] [*][url=http://gifts.worldwildlife.org/gift-center/images/species-adoptions/Gray-Wolf/giant-Gray-Wolf-plush-z2.jpg]Primary Personality #2 - Tactician:[/URL] As the name implies, the other primary personality is right at home on the battlefield. Being the only persona which Compassion has given access to on a regular basis, T. is forced to abide by a rule of thumb. He is only given the controls when the correct trigger is given, such as when the body is being attacked, or when Compassion needs assistance with observing a scenario. He externally appears on a different spectrum than Compassion, in stature, expression and actions made. T. keeps a straight face and talks in a monotone voice, succinct with his words and quick to the point, he only speaks up when needed.[/*] [*][url=http://www.lionstuffedanimals.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Aurora-Stuffed-Lion.jpg]Secondary Personality #1 – Aggressor:[/URL] A very moody personality, Aggressor has a very sharp tongue, and overall has a very unsocial attitude. He is hotheaded and is extremely short-tempered, always shouting out his opinions and threats to others. The source of his constant anger is the persona completely opposite to him, E. [u]"Don't make me shut that trap for you."[/u][/*] [*][url=http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/1713334890/13-7-Shuuen-no-Shiori-Project-Aya-Rabbit-Handmade-Stuffed-Plush-Cosplay-Props-Doll.jpg]Secondary Personality #2 – Exuberance:[/URL] One of the two secondary personas, Exuberance gives off a childish aura, the epitome of purity. He acts without a care in the world, is overly-emotional and possesses insurmountable energy. He is energetic to an unchallenged extent. [b]"I will defeat them with my hugging muscles!"[/*] [b]Strength[/b] [*]Long-range combat: Being a sniper, Gen is mostly efficient with a gap between his target and himself. With his natural perception of range, he is able to rationalize the distance from his target.[/*] [*]Support: Gen tends to hang back and support his teammates, weaving in attacks and distracting the enemy to give his teammates some breathing space.[/*] [b]Weakness:[/b] [*]Close-quarters combat: With Gen's anatomical weakness, he is naturally at a disadvantage when the enemy is up in his face. Tactician finds it aggrivating, being forced to work with such a useless body. No matter how brilliant the persona is in combat, it is quite the hassle to work around such a hurtle.[/*] [*]Sweet foods: The bane of his existence, one of the few delicacies which can turn his stomach into a hellhole. Though it may sit well with his taste buds, his digestive system greatly disagrees.[/*] [b]Weapon:[/b] [hider=Sagaciter] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/052/e/b/liberico_sniper_assault_rifle_design_001_by_xvortexbladex-d5vmkuz.png[/img] (Lights would be green, disregard the portion pertaining to calibers) The Sagaciter is a marksman’s best friend, being able to be switched from semi to full-auto on the fly. With a relatively low rate of fire, precision is this weapon's prime point. It is most lethal in range combat, but can be used to create some space between the target and himself. Does not have an inhibiting magazine, and operates off of sparingly used dust. Has a compact-passive mode, and a battle mode.[/HIDER] [b]Skills:[/b] All in all, Gen is a marksman down to the bone. Precision and accuracy are his comrades in combat, his secondary personas act as consultants. Though Compassion is only involved in the beginning of battle, Tactician usually doesn't require the assistance of his splinter personalities. Semblance: Telekinesis - Requires complete concentration to manipulate, Gen is able to lead his shots more efficiently with his semblance. While in use, he is able to literally guide his attacks to their target. He can also manipulate objects around him; though the heavier the object, the more strain it puts on him. [b]Knowledge:[/b] With Tactician in the driver's seat, Gen is a militaristic genius. Though, a plan is worthless without allies, and there is no way T. would ever leave his faith in the other two personas' hands. With the assistance of his thermal optic and his own tactful deduction, he is able to thoroughly analyze an enemy or a situation. [b]Social:[/b] Though he may not be on par with social butterflies, Gen is a natural team player, as his role in combat is useless without allies. When it comes to conversations, he has learned how to keep one flowing and when to say the right things. Since Gen himself is always the one to speak with people in an ordinary situation, he tends to agree with his friends and tries to keep them happy. [b]Other:[/b] [b]Theme Song - Nightcall - Dead V:[/b] [youtube]Gsd8EjJfKV0[/youtube]