I've finally settled on a name so I thought it was time to post her here. I'm working on her bio, and her social weakness at the moment so I should be done with that fairly quickly. It's nice to see some familiar faces though. ^^ ---------------------------------------------------------------- [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fBSA1pr.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Eurwen Mavros ([b]AYR-wen[/b]; -- Welsh name derived from the elements 'aur' or 'euraid' meaning "gold" and 'gwyn' "white, fair, blessed". [b]Mavros[/b]; Greek [i]mavros[/i], ‘black’, ‘Moorish’, later also meaning ‘poor fellow’.) [b]Race[/b]: Faunus; Rabbit -- A beige colored tail sits along her tailbone which is visible thanks to a small pocket through her clothes, while long, floppy ears blend in with her hair along the top of her head. [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Bio[/b]: Born into humble beginnings, Eurwen was the first daughter to Hunter, and Huntress — Nero and Davina Mavros. Retiring soon after her birth, Eurwen was raised by her mother while her father continued to take jobs around the Kingdom until his retirement after her 8th birthday. Childhood had been a real struggle for the girl. Timid, small, and quiet during the beginning, she was the target of harassment for the other students at school because of her Faunus heritage. As the bullying began to escalate, and her parents began to notice a growing problem of self-hatred within their daughter, her father made a decision that would change his daughters life and perspective forever. He was going to train Eurwen to become a Huntress. Away from the toxic environment that surrounded her at school, she was finally able to grow both mentality, and physically, making it as if the crippling self-hatred was a terrible memory from the past. However upon her acceptance into Firelight in Vacuo just after her 12th birthday, Eurwen was finally able to fully flourish as both a person, and a Huntress. Kind, empathetic, and open-minded towards most, she had come to a harsh understanding that not every human was going to treat her the same, and while she didn’t have to tolerate it, the faunus had learned to let her fists do the talking. Confident, and optimistic, Eurwen likes to consider herself a people person, or a social butterfly. She has a tendency to be a little bit more drawn to and compassionate with her own kind, however she has been making efforts to make more human friends. Going through further training at Firelight, combat and studying had become her main priorities, and her skills only seemed to improve once she crafted Arcadius during her first year. Advancing through her years regularly, by the time her 17th birthday came around Eurwen had been invited to attend Beacon Academy. [u][b]Weapons[/b][/u]: -[b]Euthymia[/b]: Handed down to Eurwen during her 10th birthday, Euthymia is a family heirloom that has passed down the Mavros family for generations. A simple sword in appearance, during its creation the blade was crafted with uncanny magic, allowing it to synch and tap into the users aura for stronger, and more powerful attacks. While it isn't her first choice in battle, Eurwen is more experienced with the short-blade than her own hand crafted weapon, and during critical times it typically ends up becoming her primary weapon. -[i]appearance present in top pictures[/i]- -[b][url=http://blenderartists.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=910&d=1128754846]Arcadius[/url][/b]: Crafted during her first year at Firelight, Arcadius is a light weight gun-blade revolver, and Eurwens weapon of choice. Loaded with regular ammunition, it is capable of firing red dust, or explosive rounds, however she prefers the former during one on one confrontations. With two blades sitting along the top and button of the barrel, Eurwen uses the gun for both close, and long-range combat. As a main component to most of her techniques, Arcadius allows her to move and act more freely in battle, while Euthymia requires a different style of fighting when in action. [b]Semblance[/b]: Intangibility/[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_tunnelling]Quantum Tunneling[/url]; Or how she likes to call it, [b]Ghosting[/b]. Unlocking this before her first year at Firelight, her semblance allows her to pass through solid matter by moving her atomic particles through the spaces between of the atoms of the object through which she’s passing through. While phasing, she does not physically walk on surfaces, but rather interacts with the molecules of air above them, allowing her to ascend and descend when within the object(or underground), causing her to seemingly walk on ‘air'. While phased, she is immune to most physical attacks, as well as [i]most[/i] elemental attacks, however this has been shown to waver with certain dust types. While this ability holds great importance to her fighting style, Eurwen tries to avoiding using as much as possible thanks to its limitations. Costing more concentration, Eurwen can also phase anyone or anything she touches, but the bigger the object the more stress is put on her body. [u][b]Strength[/u][/b] -[b]Aura[/b]: Like her parents before her, Eurwen was born with a strong black aura. While it isn't limitless, she has been known to tap into it a bit excessively during battle, especially during hand-to-hand combat. Thanks to this control, Eurwen can take a number of hits and be left unfazed. When equipped with Euthymia, and a little help from her aura, the blade is able to slice through stone and armor like butter. -[b]Skill[/b]: Combat is Eurwens passion and pride. As a rabbit faunus she is equally quick, cunning, and precise with her actions. [s]She also has a tendency to be a bit of a 'show off' in front of others especially during sparing, or practice matches[/s]. Close-combat is her forte and even without either of her weapons Eurwen is extremely capable in hand-to-hand combat. Her fighting style heavily resembles Krav Maga, and Muay Thai. Focusing on vulnerable spots, she uses strikes, kicks, and grappling in her technique with the intention of finishing off her opponent as fast as possible. [b][u]Weakness[/u][/b] -[b]Semblance[/b]: While powerful, her abilities have a rather tight limit. Lasting no longer then 3 to 4 minutes without adverse effects, Eurwens stamina and health take a tole when overusing her phasing. Becoming sluggish on the field during combat, she has experienced debilitating migraines, and nosebleeds as long-lasting effects after heavy use. The density of some materials can prove harmful to her phasing, causing her to be severely disoriented or experience pain if she tries to pass through them. Having no problem with solid objects, or most elements, electricity is unfortunately her achilles heel. Raw use of yellow dust can electrocute and cancel out Eurwen semblance, while electric-type weapons are even capable of hitting even while ghosting. [s]Unknown to most, she also has a terrible phobia of becoming solid within another object and being unable to phase out.[/s] -[b]Social[/b]: Eurwen has always been confident in her own skill, so much that it often goes to her head and rather than working with her team, she'll move on her own accord. With these rash acts, its quite obvious Eurwen isn't much of a team player, however she isn't completely incapable of following orders or working together with someone. She has shown leadership qualities in the past, but with a solo-mindset and lack of an understanding when it comes to teamwork, its hard to tell if she’s even aware of her potential.