Divination Grinding: 31 - 24 Divination = 7 Mike does pretty well in his grinding of Fortune Telling, managing to get it up several levels through the course of the afternoon as he garners information on people. He isnt really able to tell precise locations, but he can tell if they are in a safe place or dangerous place, and all of them are safe, although when Mike looked up Ren... Divination: 4 (Critical!) He was able to sense something... strange about him. Like his being was obscured by some sort of dark, malevolent force. He was safe, but at the same time, Mike would have sensed some sort of dark power in there within Ren, this keen use of Divination gaining him another Window as well. [hider=Critical!] For sensing something beyond your talent to sense you have grown more skilled in divination, +1 Divination. [/hider] And there you have it, do with this what you will in your next post.