Scenario #1 Planting the Flag ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Stren's rapier pierced the jaw of a long-dead Elf; its eyes, overgrown with sea algae, exploded as the steel of his weapon caved its head from below. "Away with yer, dead'n," Stren cursed, kicking the lifeless body aside. The crowd of the howling dead was thinning, the veteran ensign could feel it in his bones. For all their horror, and that gods awful smell they carried, zombies were stupid. They never held back, they never hid, they never ambushed or laid traps - they simply came at you, willing your flesh to be within reach. If one ever caught you off guard, it was because you yourself were an idiot. The Kv'Othe woman had found her way to his back, and he thanked his stars that someone had the sense to watch his blind side. Her pistols thundered their grizzly orchestra, and he assumed, rather than saw, that a few of the undead had fallen victim to them. She was a skilled one, that woman, but he didn't trust her. Not because of her reputation on-board the Cutlass as a rather reclusive individual, but because she was a woman. A woman with guns. Lo! What chaos could unfold if her emotions got the better of her. [b]"Careful yer don't shoot me, Delilah darlin',"[/b] Stren said, turning his head to one side to convey his message, but not taking his eyes off an advancing husk. The one known as Malakaus, the half-orc appeared from the midst of the defence effort, with a handful of sailors at his back. The sailors themselves looked terrified, and Stren mentally cursed that the expedition was not carrying more experienced men. Then again, the more experienced men knew what kind of piss poor voyage the Cutlass' journey was no doubt going to be. [b]"Join our circle, Master Orc, and let's get ta puttin' tha last 'o these dead'ns to the sword 'n bullet, eh?"[/b] Stren said, gleaming a brief - and toothless - smile at Malakaus. A dozen more the walkers stumbled out of the fog, reaching for their prey with arms poised to receive an embrace. Stren reckoned that'd be the last of them.